Egypt: A picture is worth a thousand words… so here are a thousand pictures

The African Nile Valley Civilization (Unveiling of a hidden Black/African History)


The Egyptian army;  those are the people who are today classified as "caucasian" by mainstream media/Western scholars by the collusion of modern  Egyptian government and organisations like Unesco

The Egyptian army; those are the people who are today classified as “caucasian” by mainstream media/Western scholars by the collusion of modern Egyptian government and organisations like Unesco

The African Nile Valley Civilization (Unveiling of a hidden Black/African History)
It's strange that a White or an Arabs would depict themselves in such way?

It’s strange that a White or an Arabs would depict themselves in such way?

The African Nile Valley Civilization (Unveiling of a hidden Black/African History)
The African Nile Valley Civilization (Unveiling of a hidden Black/African History)
The African Nile Valley Civilization (Unveiling of a hidden Black/African History)
The African Nile Valley Civilization (Unveiling of a hidden Black/African History)
The African Nile Valley Civilization (Unveiling of a hidden Black/African History)
The Egyptian civilian

The Egyptian civilian

The African Nile Valley Civilization (Unveiling of a hidden Black/African History)
The African Nile Valley Civilization (Unveiling of a hidden Black/African History)
The African Nile Valley Civilization (Unveiling of a hidden Black/African History)
In this paint the black color of their hairs was deliberately scratched off

In this paint the black color of their hairs was deliberately scratched off

The two guy down in the middle have their hair color scratched off but they seem to have forgotten the 4 scribes on the right as they keep their original hair texture(Black).

The two guy down in the middle have their hair color scratched off but they seem to have forgotten the 4 scribes on the right as they keep their original hair texture(Black).

The African Nile Valley Civilization (Unveiling of a hidden Black/African History)
The Egyptian,represent themselves as African, dark skin, kinky hair

The Egyptian,represent themselves as African, dark skin, kinky hair

The African Nile Valley Civilization (Unveiling of a hidden Black/African History)
The African Nile Valley Civilization (Unveiling of a hidden Black/African History)
The African Nile Valley Civilization (Unveiling of a hidden Black/African History)
The African Nile Valley Civilization (Unveiling of a hidden Black/African History)
e can see that Black color the the hair is also scratched off

e can see that Black color the the hair is also scratched off

The African Nile Valley Civilization (Unveiling of a hidden Black/African History)
The usual lifestyle of some nomadic African, that exist even today among certain East African tribes.

The usual lifestyle of some nomadic African, that exist even today among certain East African tribes.

The African Nile Valley Civilization (Unveiling of a hidden Black/African History)
Here you can see typical Egyptian people as they were in the past,dark/brown skin, kinky hair people of Africa

Here you can see typical Egyptian people as they were in the past,dark/brown skin, kinky hair people of Africa

All these arguments about the racial background of these ancient Africans are based upon racism/fear or shame I should say or how can a sane person claim people who depicted themselves this way as Arabs or White?

All these arguments about the racial background of these ancient Africans are based upon racism/fear or shame I should say or how can a sane person claim people who depicted themselves this way as Arabs or White?

The African Nile Valley Civilization (Unveiling of a hidden Black/African History)
The African Nile Valley Civilization (Unveiling of a hidden Black/African History)
How can the media portray these people as White/Arabs or caucasian? the prove that racism is a sikness.
How can the media portray these people as White/Arabs or caucasian? the prove that racism is a sikness.

How can the media portray these people as White/Arabs or caucasian? the prove that racism is a sikness.

The African Nile Valley Civilization (Unveiling of a hidden Black/African History)
The African Nile Valley Civilization (Unveiling of a hidden Black/African History)
The African Nile Valley Civilization (Unveiling of a hidden Black/African History)
The African Nile Valley Civilization (Unveiling of a hidden Black/African History)
The African Nile Valley Civilization (Unveiling of a hidden Black/African History)
The African Nile Valley Civilization (Unveiling of a hidden Black/African History)
The African Nile Valley Civilization (Unveiling of a hidden Black/African History)
The African Nile Valley Civilization (Unveiling of a hidden Black/African History)
The African Nile Valley Civilization (Unveiling of a hidden Black/African History)
it seem they forgot to retouch this statue, it has broader nose and thicker lips than me! but I am not caucasian!

it seem they forgot to retouch this statue, it has broader nose and thicker lips than me! but I am not caucasian!

the Egyptian civil at work, we clearly see how the Egyptian look like, typical African people!

the Egyptian civil at work, we clearly see how the Egyptian look like, typical African people!

The African Nile Valley Civilization (Unveiling of a hidden Black/African History)
this is how the Greeks ocular were saying about Egyptian, kinky haired and dark skin people

this is how the Greeks ocular were saying about Egyptian, kinky haired and dark skin people

The African Nile Valley Civilization (Unveiling of a hidden Black/African History)
The African Nile Valley Civilization (Unveiling of a hidden Black/African History)
claiming ntive African people with Afro hairs as White blond hair blue eye or Semite ; so sick; look at his eye, how it is African

claiming ntive African people with Afro hairs as White blond hair blue eye or Semite ; so sick; look at his eye, how it is African

This Egyptian scribe show clearly an African character, his face can say a lot about it

This Egyptian scribe show clearly an African character, his face can say a lot about it

The African Nile Valley Civilization (Unveiling of a hidden Black/African History)
The African Nile Valley Civilization (Unveiling of a hidden Black/African History)
The African Nile Valley Civilization (Unveiling of a hidden Black/African History)
Another civilian Egyptian , we can see how Egyptian depicted themselves as African people not Arab/Semite or White

Another civilian Egyptian , we can see how Egyptian depicted themselves as African people not Arab/Semite or White

The African Nile Valley Civilization (Unveiling of a hidden Black/African History)
The African Nile Valley Civilization (Unveiling of a hidden Black/African History)
The African Nile Valley Civilization (Unveiling of a hidden Black/African History)
The African Nile Valley Civilization (Unveiling of a hidden Black/African History)
The African Nile Valley Civilization (Unveiling of a hidden Black/African History)
The African Nile Valley Civilization (Unveiling of a hidden Black/African History)
The African Nile Valley Civilization (Unveiling of a hidden Black/African History)
The African Nile Valley Civilization (Unveiling of a hidden Black/African History)
The African Nile Valley Civilization (Unveiling of a hidden Black/African History)
The African Nile Valley Civilization (Unveiling of a hidden Black/African History)
The African Nile Valley Civilization (Unveiling of a hidden Black/African History)
The African Nile Valley Civilization (Unveiling of a hidden Black/African History)
The African Nile Valley Civilization (Unveiling of a hidden Black/African History)
The African Nile Valley Civilization (Unveiling of a hidden Black/African History)
The African Nile Valley Civilization (Unveiling of a hidden Black/African History)
The African Nile Valley Civilization (Unveiling of a hidden Black/African History)
The African Nile Valley Civilization (Unveiling of a hidden Black/African History)
The African Nile Valley Civilization (Unveiling of a hidden Black/African History)
The African Nile Valley Civilization (Unveiling of a hidden Black/African History)
The African Nile Valley Civilization (Unveiling of a hidden Black/African History)
The African Nile Valley Civilization (Unveiling of a hidden Black/African History)
The African Nile Valley Civilization (Unveiling of a hidden Black/African History)
The African Nile Valley Civilization (Unveiling of a hidden Black/African History)
The African Nile Valley Civilization (Unveiling of a hidden Black/African History)
The African Nile Valley Civilization (Unveiling of a hidden Black/African History)
The African Nile Valley Civilization (Unveiling of a hidden Black/African History)
The African Nile Valley Civilization (Unveiling of a hidden Black/African History)
The African Nile Valley Civilization (Unveiling of a hidden Black/African History)
The African Nile Valley Civilization (Unveiling of a hidden Black/African History)
The African Nile Valley Civilization (Unveiling of a hidden Black/African History)
The African Nile Valley Civilization (Unveiling of a hidden Black/African History)
The African Nile Valley Civilization (Unveiling of a hidden Black/African History)
The African Nile Valley Civilization (Unveiling of a hidden Black/African History)
The African Nile Valley Civilization (Unveiling of a hidden Black/African History)
The African Nile Valley Civilization (Unveiling of a hidden Black/African History)
The African Nile Valley Civilization (Unveiling of a hidden Black/African History)
The African Nile Valley Civilization (Unveiling of a hidden Black/African History)
The African Nile Valley Civilization (Unveiling of a hidden Black/African History)
The African Nile Valley Civilization (Unveiling of a hidden Black/African History)
The African Nile Valley Civilization (Unveiling of a hidden Black/African History)
The African Nile Valley Civilization (Unveiling of a hidden Black/African History)
The African Nile Valley Civilization (Unveiling of a hidden Black/African History)
The African Nile Valley Civilization (Unveiling of a hidden Black/African History)
The African Nile Valley Civilization (Unveiling of a hidden Black/African History)
nose mutilated

nose mutilated

The African Nile Valley Civilization (Unveiling of a hidden Black/African History)
The African Nile Valley Civilization (Unveiling of a hidden Black/African History)
The African Nile Valley Civilization (Unveiling of a hidden Black/African History)
nose mutilated

nose mutilated

The African Nile Valley Civilization (Unveiling of a hidden Black/African History)
The African Nile Valley Civilization (Unveiling of a hidden Black/African History)
The African Nile Valley Civilization (Unveiling of a hidden Black/African History)
The African Nile Valley Civilization (Unveiling of a hidden Black/African History)
The African Nile Valley Civilization (Unveiling of a hidden Black/African History)
The African Nile Valley Civilization (Unveiling of a hidden Black/African History)
nose mutilated

nose mutilated

The African Nile Valley Civilization (Unveiling of a hidden Black/African History)
The African Nile Valley Civilization (Unveiling of a hidden Black/African History)
The African Nile Valley Civilization (Unveiling of a hidden Black/African History)
The African Nile Valley Civilization (Unveiling of a hidden Black/African History)
The African Nile Valley Civilization (Unveiling of a hidden Black/African History)
The African Nile Valley Civilization (Unveiling of a hidden Black/African History)
The African Nile Valley Civilization (Unveiling of a hidden Black/African History)
The African Nile Valley Civilization (Unveiling of a hidden Black/African History)
nose mutilated

nose mutilated

nose mutilated

nose mutilated

The African Nile Valley Civilization (Unveiling of a hidden Black/African History)
The African Nile Valley Civilization (Unveiling of a hidden Black/African History)
The African Nile Valley Civilization (Unveiling of a hidden Black/African History)
The African Nile Valley Civilization (Unveiling of a hidden Black/African History)
The African Nile Valley Civilization (Unveiling of a hidden Black/African History)
The African Nile Valley Civilization (Unveiling of a hidden Black/African History)
The African Nile Valley Civilization (Unveiling of a hidden Black/African History)
The African Nile Valley Civilization (Unveiling of a hidden Black/African History)
The African Nile Valley Civilization (Unveiling of a hidden Black/African History)
The African Nile Valley Civilization (Unveiling of a hidden Black/African History)
nose mutilated

nose mutilated

The African Nile Valley Civilization (Unveiling of a hidden Black/African History)
The African Nile Valley Civilization (Unveiling of a hidden Black/African History)
The African Nile Valley Civilization (Unveiling of a hidden Black/African History)
The African Nile Valley Civilization (Unveiling of a hidden Black/African History)
The African Nile Valley Civilization (Unveiling of a hidden Black/African History)
The African Nile Valley Civilization (Unveiling of a hidden Black/African History)
The African Nile Valley Civilization (Unveiling of a hidden Black/African History)
The African Nile Valley Civilization (Unveiling of a hidden Black/African History)
The African Nile Valley Civilization (Unveiling of a hidden Black/African History)
The African Nile Valley Civilization (Unveiling of a hidden Black/African History)
The African Nile Valley Civilization (Unveiling of a hidden Black/African History)
The African Nile Valley Civilization (Unveiling of a hidden Black/African History)
The African Nile Valley Civilization (Unveiling of a hidden Black/African History)
The African Nile Valley Civilization (Unveiling of a hidden Black/African History)
The African Nile Valley Civilization (Unveiling of a hidden Black/African History)
The African Nile Valley Civilization (Unveiling of a hidden Black/African History)
The African Nile Valley Civilization (Unveiling of a hidden Black/African History)
The African Nile Valley Civilization (Unveiling of a hidden Black/African History)
The African Nile Valley Civilization (Unveiling of a hidden Black/African History)
The African Nile Valley Civilization (Unveiling of a hidden Black/African History)
The sphinx, seen before his disfigurement

The sphinx, seen before his disfigurement

The African Nile Valley Civilization (Unveiling of a hidden Black/African History)
nose missing

nose missing

face completely mutilated

face completely mutilated

nose attaked

nose attaked

nose broken again

nose broken again

The African Nile Valley Civilization (Unveiling of a hidden Black/African History)
nose mutilated

nose mutilated

face show sign of attack

face show sign of attack

missing nose
missing nose

missing nose

face destroyed

face destroyed

nose mutilated

nose mutilated

nose mutilated

nose mutilated

nose/face mutilated

nose/face mutilated

nose mutilated

nose mutilated

face destroyed

face destroyed

nose mutilated

nose mutilated

face mutilated

face mutilated

nose missing

nose missing

nose mutilated

nose mutilated

nose mutilated

nose mutilated

nose mutilated

nose mutilated

nose mutilated

nose mutilated

nose mutilated

nose mutilated

nose mutilated,face show sign of sarcastic attack

nose mutilated,face show sign of sarcastic attack

nose mutilated

nose mutilated

nose mutilated

nose mutilated

nose mutilated

nose mutilated

nose mutilated

nose mutilated

nose/face destroyed

nose/face destroyed

nose mutilated

nose mutilated

face destroyed

face destroyed

nose mutilated

nose mutilated

nose mutilated

nose mutilated

face destroyed

face destroyed

nose mutilated

nose mutilated

nose mutilated

nose mutilated

nose mutilated

nose mutilated

nose mutilated

nose mutilated

nose mutilated

nose mutilated

The African Nile Valley Civilization (Unveiling of a hidden Black/African History)
nose mutilated

nose mutilated

noses mutilated
noses mutilated

noses mutilated

nose mutilated

nose mutilated

nose mutilated

nose mutilated

face destroyed

face destroyed

This is some of the true Egyptian statue, as you can notice his nose have been also broken off like tons of statues, this is how this how the elites of the Arab rp of Egypt do with the Egyptian statue that portray a Black person: a mere decoration.

This is some of the true Egyptian statue, as you can notice his nose have been also broken off like tons of statues, this is how this how the elites of the Arab rp of Egypt do with the Egyptian statue that portray a Black person: a mere decoration.

Wow! another missing nose African man! is this a coincidence? or these Pharaohs had no nose at all? I didn't know that Caucasian hate their own  pointy noses!

Wow! another missing nose African man! is this a coincidence? or these Pharaohs had no nose at all? I didn’t know that Caucasian hate their own pointy noses!

another one !

another one !

nose mutilated

nose mutilated

face, destroyed

face, destroyed

The African Nile Valley Civilization (Unveiling of a hidden Black/African History)
The African Nile Valley Civilization (Unveiling of a hidden Black/African History)
another one! just because they were native Africans, the invaders/conquerors of Egypt desiring to satisfy their obsession wanted to completely rewrite History, to deface the African images in His-story, but the truth never die, and always comes out.

another one! just because they were native Africans, the invaders/conquerors of Egypt desiring to satisfy their obsession wanted to completely rewrite History, to deface the African images in His-story, but the truth never die, and always comes out.

All these pharaohs had broader noses than me, but even an insane Euro-centrist racists won't claim me as Caucasian! Isn't it weird!

All these pharaohs had broader noses than me, but even an insane Euro-centrist racists won’t claim me as Caucasian! Isn’t it weird!

nose mutilated

nose mutilated

nose mutilated

nose mutilated

nose mutilated

nose mutilated

nose mutilated

nose mutilated

nose mutilated

nose mutilated

nose mutilated

nose mutilated

The African Nile Valley Civilization (Unveiling of a hidden Black/African History)
nose mutilated

nose mutilated

face attaked

face attaked

nose mutilated

nose mutilated

This is how most of the Egyptian statues are defaced as you can notice in most of these images to hide that pharaohs had broader noses or thicker lips common on certain native Africans

This is how most of the Egyptian statues are defaced as you can notice in most of these images to hide that pharaohs had broader noses or thicker lips common on certain native Africans

nose mutilated

nose mutilated

nose mutilated

nose mutilated

Why the colors of these these two ladies was taken off ? and the noses retouched?

Why the colors of these these two ladies was taken off ? and the noses retouched?

The African Nile Valley Civilization (Unveiling of a hidden Black/African History)
the nose/lips of this African lady have been filed  though her African identity remained visible...This Egyptian Goddess in real life look surely like this Sudanese lady (right)the nose/lips of this African lady have been filed  though her African identity remained visible...This Egyptian Goddess in real life look surely like this Sudanese lady (right)

the nose/lips of this African lady have been filed though her African identity remained visible…This Egyptian Goddess in real life look surely like this Sudanese lady (right)

The African Nile Valley Civilization (Unveiling of a hidden Black/African History)
Another statue with the nose/lips destroyed and they claim these pharaohs as Caucasian;if the pharaohs were white or Arabs none of them would be attacked like that. sarcasm,egoism,jealousy and you can see how the  Egyptian statues are used as outside decorations in the Arab republic of Egypt while their museum are full of fake Semite looking statues.

Another statue with the nose/lips destroyed and they claim these pharaohs as Caucasian;if the pharaohs were white or Arabs none of them would be attacked like that. sarcasm,egoism,jealousy and you can see how the Egyptian statues are used as outside decorations in the Arab republic of Egypt while their museum are full of fake Semite looking statues.

The African Nile Valley Civilization (Unveiling of a hidden Black/African History)
Even if the mutilated the sphinx, it's show a strong feature of Dinka people of Sudan

Even if the mutilated the sphinx, it’s show a strong feature of Dinka people of Sudan

see, this another example of their desperate attempt to des-Africanze the image these phraraohs

see, this another example of their desperate attempt to des-Africanze the image these phraraohs

An African king (Pharaoh) , his face, body shape itself prove his African origin even if they mutilated his nose also

An African king (Pharaoh) , his face, body shape itself prove his African origin even if they mutilated his nose also

nose mutilated

nose mutilated

See how far jealousy can make human insane, look how this nose was carefully filed

See how far jealousy can make human insane, look how this nose was carefully filed

nose mutilated

nose mutilated

another decoration of the Arab republic parks, the statue of  a native African pharaoh completely defaced

another decoration of the Arab republic parks, the statue of a native African pharaoh completely defaced

the conquerors of Egypt was unable to stand the look of an African aka Black person in a position of strength/majesty/power/royalty  and they insecurity drove them to deface/mutilate the faces of most of the Egyptian statues that display their real origin as Afican

the conquerors of Egypt was unable to stand the look of an African aka Black person in a position of strength/majesty/power/royalty and they insecurity drove them to deface/mutilate the faces of most of the Egyptian statues that display their real origin as Afican

nose mutilated

nose mutilated

another example of this sickness, typical brown color of native African people, this hairstyle is still practiced by Afar / Horomo people of ethiopia

another example of this sickness, typical brown color of native African people, this hairstyle is still practiced by Afar / Horomo people of ethiopia

look how they mutilated this another African pharaohs , they broke their noses and claim them as white. so pathetic

look how they mutilated this another African pharaohs , they broke their noses and claim them as white. so pathetic

nose mutilated

nose mutilated

As usually another broken nose African king

As usually another broken nose African king

nose/lips attaked

nose/lips attaked

nose mutilated

nose mutilated

nose mutilated

nose mutilated

nose mutilated

nose mutilated

nose mutilated

nose mutilated

those are the founder, the true pharaohs of this mighty civilization that the conquerors mutilated tried to humiliate by History can't be changed,their achievements will forever remains their Achievement! and Africans will talk about their History on day

those are the founder, the true pharaohs of this mighty civilization that the conquerors mutilated tried to humiliate by History can’t be changed,their achievements will forever remains their Achievement! and Africans will talk about their History on day

You see, how the Greeks/Persian invaders tried to cover/hide the racial origin of the Pharaohs, people that sculpted themselves as they were : Black people, Africans, this statue is today just a decoration of the parks in the Arab republic of Egypt

You see, how the Greeks/Persian invaders tried to cover/hide the racial origin of the Pharaohs, people that sculpted themselves as they were : Black people, Africans, this statue is today just a decoration of the parks in the Arab republic of Egypt

nose mutilated

nose mutilated



mutilated nose

mutilated nose

This is were most of the African heritages/artifacts end: in Western counties/Europe on the museums and the little African kid get not the chance to see the achievement of some of his ancestors or at lat his people.

This is were most of the African heritages/artifacts end: in Western counties/Europe on the museums and the little African kid get not the chance to see the achievement of some of his ancestors or at lat his people.

noses / lips, mutilated

noses / lips, mutilated

nose mutilated

nose mutilated

nose mutilated

nose mutilated

The African Nile Valley Civilization (Unveiling of a hidden Black/African History)
face attacked

face attacked

face destroyed by intrus

face destroyed by intrus

The African Nile Valley Civilization (Unveiling of a hidden Black/African History)
The African Nile Valley Civilization (Unveiling of a hidden Black/African History)
The African Nile Valley Civilization (Unveiling of a hidden Black/African History)
The African Nile Valley Civilization (Unveiling of a hidden Black/African History)
The African Nile Valley Civilization (Unveiling of a hidden Black/African History)
The African Nile Valley Civilization (Unveiling of a hidden Black/African History)
The African Nile Valley Civilization (Unveiling of a hidden Black/African History)
nose mutilated

nose mutilated

The African Nile Valley Civilization (Unveiling of a hidden Black/African History)
The African Nile Valley Civilization (Unveiling of a hidden Black/African History)
The African Nile Valley Civilization (Unveiling of a hidden Black/African History)
The African Nile Valley Civilization (Unveiling of a hidden Black/African History)
The African Nile Valley Civilization (Unveiling of a hidden Black/African History)
The African Nile Valley Civilization (Unveiling of a hidden Black/African History)
The African Nile Valley Civilization (Unveiling of a hidden Black/African History)
The African Nile Valley Civilization (Unveiling of a hidden Black/African History)
The African Nile Valley Civilization (Unveiling of a hidden Black/African History)
A Nubian pharaoh, It's sick how they completely separated Nubia from Egypt (racially,historically even culturally...)

A Nubian pharaoh, It’s sick how they completely separated Nubia from Egypt (racially,historically even culturally…)

The African Nile Valley Civilization (Unveiling of a hidden Black/African History)
The African Nile Valley Civilization (Unveiling of a hidden Black/African History)
The African Nile Valley Civilization (Unveiling of a hidden Black/African History)
The African Nile Valley Civilization (Unveiling of a hidden Black/African History)
The African Nile Valley Civilization (Unveiling of a hidden Black/African History)
The African Nile Valley Civilization (Unveiling of a hidden Black/African History)
The African Nile Valley Civilization (Unveiling of a hidden Black/African History)
The African Nile Valley Civilization (Unveiling of a hidden Black/African History)
the look of this White man(an Egyptogist or archaeologist surely) show sadness, he is upset by the truth and would like for sure to see his caucasian figure on this statue (then started all their falsifications/lies)

the look of this White man(an Egyptogist or archaeologist surely) show sadness, he is upset by the truth and would like for sure to see his caucasian figure on this statue (then started all their falsifications/lies)

The African Nile Valley Civilization (Unveiling of a hidden Black/African History)
The African Nile Valley Civilization (Unveiling of a hidden Black/African History)
The African Nile Valley Civilization (Unveiling of a hidden Black/African History)
The African Nile Valley Civilization (Unveiling of a hidden Black/African History)
The African Nile Valley Civilization (Unveiling of a hidden Black/African History)
The African Nile Valley Civilization (Unveiling of a hidden Black/African History)
The African Nile Valley Civilization (Unveiling of a hidden Black/African History)
The African Nile Valley Civilization (Unveiling of a hidden Black/African History)
The African Nile Valley Civilization (Unveiling of a hidden Black/African History)
The African Nile Valley Civilization (Unveiling of a hidden Black/African History)
The African Nile Valley Civilization (Unveiling of a hidden Black/African History)
face attacked

face attacked

The African Nile Valley Civilization (Unveiling of a hidden Black/African History)
The African Nile Valley Civilization (Unveiling of a hidden Black/African History)
The African Nile Valley Civilization (Unveiling of a hidden Black/African History)
The African Nile Valley Civilization (Unveiling of a hidden Black/African History)
The African Nile Valley Civilization (Unveiling of a hidden Black/African History)
The African Nile Valley Civilization (Unveiling of a hidden Black/African History)
The African Nile Valley Civilization (Unveiling of a hidden Black/African History)
The African Nile Valley Civilization (Unveiling of a hidden Black/African History)
mutilated nose

mutilated nose

The African Nile Valley Civilization (Unveiling of a hidden Black/African History)
The African Nile Valley Civilization (Unveiling of a hidden Black/African History)
The African Nile Valley Civilization (Unveiling of a hidden Black/African History)
nose mutilated

nose mutilated

The African Nile Valley Civilization (Unveiling of a hidden Black/African History)
The African Nile Valley Civilization (Unveiling of a hidden Black/African History)
The African Nile Valley Civilization (Unveiling of a hidden Black/African History)
The African Nile Valley Civilization (Unveiling of a hidden Black/African History)
The African Nile Valley Civilization (Unveiling of a hidden Black/African History)
The African Nile Valley Civilization (Unveiling of a hidden Black/African History)
mutilated nose

mutilated nose

The African Nile Valley Civilization (Unveiling of a hidden Black/African History)
The African Nile Valley Civilization (Unveiling of a hidden Black/African History)
nose mutilated

nose mutilated

mutilated nose

mutilated nose

nose mutilated

nose mutilated

The African Nile Valley Civilization (Unveiling of a hidden Black/African History)
The African Nile Valley Civilization (Unveiling of a hidden Black/African History)
The African Nile Valley Civilization (Unveiling of a hidden Black/African History)
The African Nile Valley Civilization (Unveiling of a hidden Black/African History)
The African Nile Valley Civilization (Unveiling of a hidden Black/African History)
The African Nile Valley Civilization (Unveiling of a hidden Black/African History)
mutilated nose/faces

mutilated nose/faces

The African Nile Valley Civilization (Unveiling of a hidden Black/African History)
The African Nile Valley Civilization (Unveiling of a hidden Black/African History)


The African Nile Valley Civilization (Unveiling of a hidden Black/African History)
The African Nile Valley Civilization (Unveiling of a hidden Black/African History)
The African Nile Valley Civilization (Unveiling of a hidden Black/African History)
The African Nile Valley Civilization (Unveiling of a hidden Black/African History)
The African Nile Valley Civilization (Unveiling of a hidden Black/African History)
The African Nile Valley Civilization (Unveiling of a hidden Black/African History)
The African Nile Valley Civilization (Unveiling of a hidden Black/African History)
The African Nile Valley Civilization (Unveiling of a hidden Black/African History)
The African Nile Valley Civilization (Unveiling of a hidden Black/African History)
The African Nile Valley Civilization (Unveiling of a hidden Black/African History)
The African Nile Valley Civilization (Unveiling of a hidden Black/African History)
The African Nile Valley Civilization (Unveiling of a hidden Black/African History)
The African Nile Valley Civilization (Unveiling of a hidden Black/African History)
The African Nile Valley Civilization (Unveiling of a hidden Black/African History)
The African Nile Valley Civilization (Unveiling of a hidden Black/African History)
The African Nile Valley Civilization (Unveiling of a hidden Black/African History)
The African Nile Valley Civilization (Unveiling of a hidden Black/African History)
The African Nile Valley Civilization (Unveiling of a hidden Black/African History)
The African Nile Valley Civilization (Unveiling of a hidden Black/African History)
The African Nile Valley Civilization (Unveiling of a hidden Black/African History)
The African Nile Valley Civilization (Unveiling of a hidden Black/African History)
The African Nile Valley Civilization (Unveiling of a hidden Black/African History)
The African Nile Valley Civilization (Unveiling of a hidden Black/African History)
The African Nile Valley Civilization (Unveiling of a hidden Black/African History)
The African Nile Valley Civilization (Unveiling of a hidden Black/African History)
The African Nile Valley Civilization (Unveiling of a hidden Black/African History)
The African Nile Valley Civilization (Unveiling of a hidden Black/African History)
The African Nile Valley Civilization (Unveiling of a hidden Black/African History)
The African Nile Valley Civilization (Unveiling of a hidden Black/African History)
The African Nile Valley Civilization (Unveiling of a hidden Black/African History)
The African Nile Valley Civilization (Unveiling of a hidden Black/African History)
The African Nile Valley Civilization (Unveiling of a hidden Black/African History)
The African Nile Valley Civilization (Unveiling of a hidden Black/African History)
The African Nile Valley Civilization (Unveiling of a hidden Black/African History)
The African Nile Valley Civilization (Unveiling of a hidden Black/African History)
The African Nile Valley Civilization (Unveiling of a hidden Black/African History)
The African Nile Valley Civilization (Unveiling of a hidden Black/African History)
The African Nile Valley Civilization (Unveiling of a hidden Black/African History)
The African Nile Valley Civilization (Unveiling of a hidden Black/African History)
The African Nile Valley Civilization (Unveiling of a hidden Black/African History)
The African Nile Valley Civilization (Unveiling of a hidden Black/African History)
The African Nile Valley Civilization (Unveiling of a hidden Black/African History)
The African Nile Valley Civilization (Unveiling of a hidden Black/African History)
The African Nile Valley Civilization (Unveiling of a hidden Black/African History)
The African Nile Valley Civilization (Unveiling of a hidden Black/African History)
The African Nile Valley Civilization (Unveiling of a hidden Black/African History)
The African Nile Valley Civilization (Unveiling of a hidden Black/African History)
The African Nile Valley Civilization (Unveiling of a hidden Black/African History)
The African Nile Valley Civilization (Unveiling of a hidden Black/African History)
The African Nile Valley Civilization (Unveiling of a hidden Black/African History)
The African Nile Valley Civilization (Unveiling of a hidden Black/African History)
The African Nile Valley Civilization (Unveiling of a hidden Black/African History)
The African Nile Valley Civilization (Unveiling of a hidden Black/African History)
The African Nile Valley Civilization (Unveiling of a hidden Black/African History)
The African Nile Valley Civilization (Unveiling of a hidden Black/African History)
The African Nile Valley Civilization (Unveiling of a hidden Black/African History)
The African Nile Valley Civilization (Unveiling of a hidden Black/African History)
The African Nile Valley Civilization (Unveiling of a hidden Black/African History)
The African Nile Valley Civilization (Unveiling of a hidden Black/African History)
The African Nile Valley Civilization (Unveiling of a hidden Black/African History)
The African Nile Valley Civilization (Unveiling of a hidden Black/African History)
original colors scratched off
original colors scratched off

original colors scratched off

The African Nile Valley Civilization (Unveiling of a hidden Black/African History)
The African Nile Valley Civilization (Unveiling of a hidden Black/African History)
The African Nile Valley Civilization (Unveiling of a hidden Black/African History)
The African Nile Valley Civilization (Unveiling of a hidden Black/African History)
The African Nile Valley Civilization (Unveiling of a hidden Black/African History)
The African Nile Valley Civilization (Unveiling of a hidden Black/African History)
The African Nile Valley Civilization (Unveiling of a hidden Black/African History)
The African Nile Valley Civilization (Unveiling of a hidden Black/African History)
The African Nile Valley Civilization (Unveiling of a hidden Black/African History)
The African Nile Valley Civilization (Unveiling of a hidden Black/African History)
The African Nile Valley Civilization (Unveiling of a hidden Black/African History)
The African Nile Valley Civilization (Unveiling of a hidden Black/African History)
The African Nile Valley Civilization (Unveiling of a hidden Black/African History)
The African Nile Valley Civilization (Unveiling of a hidden Black/African History)
The African Nile Valley Civilization (Unveiling of a hidden Black/African History)
The African Nile Valley Civilization (Unveiling of a hidden Black/African History)
The African Nile Valley Civilization (Unveiling of a hidden Black/African History)
The African Nile Valley Civilization (Unveiling of a hidden Black/African History)
The African Nile Valley Civilization (Unveiling of a hidden Black/African History)
The African Nile Valley Civilization (Unveiling of a hidden Black/African History)
The African Nile Valley Civilization (Unveiling of a hidden Black/African History)
The African Nile Valley Civilization (Unveiling of a hidden Black/African History)
The African Nile Valley Civilization (Unveiling of a hidden Black/African History)
The African Nile Valley Civilization (Unveiling of a hidden Black/African History)
The African Nile Valley Civilization (Unveiling of a hidden Black/African History)
The African Nile Valley Civilization (Unveiling of a hidden Black/African History)
The African Nile Valley Civilization (Unveiling of a hidden Black/African History)
The African Nile Valley Civilization (Unveiling of a hidden Black/African History)
The African Nile Valley Civilization (Unveiling of a hidden Black/African History)
The African Nile Valley Civilization (Unveiling of a hidden Black/African History)
The African Nile Valley Civilization (Unveiling of a hidden Black/African History)
The African Nile Valley Civilization (Unveiling of a hidden Black/African History)
The African Nile Valley Civilization (Unveiling of a hidden Black/African History)
The African Nile Valley Civilization (Unveiling of a hidden Black/African History)
The African Nile Valley Civilization (Unveiling of a hidden Black/African History)
noses/lips mutilated, face destroyed

noses/lips mutilated, face destroyed

The African Nile Valley Civilization (Unveiling of a hidden Black/African History)
The African Nile Valley Civilization (Unveiling of a hidden Black/African History)
The African Nile Valley Civilization (Unveiling of a hidden Black/African History)
The African Nile Valley Civilization (Unveiling of a hidden Black/African History)
The African Nile Valley Civilization (Unveiling of a hidden Black/African History)
The African Nile Valley Civilization (Unveiling of a hidden Black/African History)
The African Nile Valley Civilization (Unveiling of a hidden Black/African History)
The African Nile Valley Civilization (Unveiling of a hidden Black/African History)
The African Nile Valley Civilization (Unveiling of a hidden Black/African History)
The African Nile Valley Civilization (Unveiling of a hidden Black/African History)
A true crime against Humanity! keeping the world in Ignorance about reality, to live in a world of lies,fantasies were

A true crime against Humanity! keeping the world in Ignorance about reality, to live in a world of lies,fantasies were

The African Nile Valley Civilization (Unveiling of a hidden Black/African History)
So sad

So sad

The African Nile Valley Civilization (Unveiling of a hidden Black/African History)
The African Nile Valley Civilization (Unveiling of a hidden Black/African History)
The African Nile Valley Civilization (Unveiling of a hidden Black/African History)
The African Nile Valley Civilization (Unveiling of a hidden Black/African History)
nose mutilated

nose mutilated

The African Nile Valley Civilization (Unveiling of a hidden Black/African History)
The African Nile Valley Civilization (Unveiling of a hidden Black/African History)
The African Nile Valley Civilization (Unveiling of a hidden Black/African History)
The African Nile Valley Civilization (Unveiling of a hidden Black/African History)
The African Nile Valley Civilization (Unveiling of a hidden Black/African History)
The African Nile Valley Civilization (Unveiling of a hidden Black/African History)
The African Nile Valley Civilization (Unveiling of a hidden Black/African History)
The African Nile Valley Civilization (Unveiling of a hidden Black/African History)
The African Nile Valley Civilization (Unveiling of a hidden Black/African History)
The African Nile Valley Civilization (Unveiling of a hidden Black/African History)
The African Nile Valley Civilization (Unveiling of a hidden Black/African History)
The African Nile Valley Civilization (Unveiling of a hidden Black/African History)
The African Nile Valley Civilization (Unveiling of a hidden Black/African History)
The African Nile Valley Civilization (Unveiling of a hidden Black/African History)
The African Nile Valley Civilization (Unveiling of a hidden Black/African History)
The African Nile Valley Civilization (Unveiling of a hidden Black/African History)
The African Nile Valley Civilization (Unveiling of a hidden Black/African History)
The African Nile Valley Civilization (Unveiling of a hidden Black/African History)
The African Nile Valley Civilization (Unveiling of a hidden Black/African History)
The African Nile Valley Civilization (Unveiling of a hidden Black/African History)
The African Nile Valley Civilization (Unveiling of a hidden Black/African History)
The African Nile Valley Civilization (Unveiling of a hidden Black/African History)
The African Nile Valley Civilization (Unveiling of a hidden Black/African History)
The African Nile Valley Civilization (Unveiling of a hidden Black/African History)
nose mutilated

nose mutilated

The African Nile Valley Civilization (Unveiling of a hidden Black/African History)
The African Nile Valley Civilization (Unveiling of a hidden Black/African History)
The African Nile Valley Civilization (Unveiling of a hidden Black/African History)
The African Nile Valley Civilization (Unveiling of a hidden Black/African History)
The African Nile Valley Civilization (Unveiling of a hidden Black/African History)
The African Nile Valley Civilization (Unveiling of a hidden Black/African History)
The African Nile Valley Civilization (Unveiling of a hidden Black/African History)
The African Nile Valley Civilization (Unveiling of a hidden Black/African History)
The African Nile Valley Civilization (Unveiling of a hidden Black/African History)
The African Nile Valley Civilization (Unveiling of a hidden Black/African History)
The African Nile Valley Civilization (Unveiling of a hidden Black/African History)
The African Nile Valley Civilization (Unveiling of a hidden Black/African History)
The African Nile Valley Civilization (Unveiling of a hidden Black/African History)
The African Nile Valley Civilization (Unveiling of a hidden Black/African History)
The African Nile Valley Civilization (Unveiling of a hidden Black/African History)
The African Nile Valley Civilization (Unveiling of a hidden Black/African History)
The African Nile Valley Civilization (Unveiling of a hidden Black/African History)
nose mutilated

nose mutilated

The African Nile Valley Civilization (Unveiling of a hidden Black/African History)
The African Nile Valley Civilization (Unveiling of a hidden Black/African History)
The African Nile Valley Civilization (Unveiling of a hidden Black/African History)
The African Nile Valley Civilization (Unveiling of a hidden Black/African History)
mutilated noses

mutilated noses

The African Nile Valley Civilization (Unveiling of a hidden Black/African History)
nose mutilated

nose mutilated

face attacked, destroyed or hidden

face attacked, destroyed or hidden

The African Nile Valley Civilization (Unveiling of a hidden Black/African History)
The African Nile Valley Civilization (Unveiling of a hidden Black/African History)
The African Nile Valley Civilization (Unveiling of a hidden Black/African History)
The African Nile Valley Civilization (Unveiling of a hidden Black/African History)
The African Nile Valley Civilization (Unveiling of a hidden Black/African History)
The African Nile Valley Civilization (Unveiling of a hidden Black/African History)
The African Nile Valley Civilization (Unveiling of a hidden Black/African History)
The African Nile Valley Civilization (Unveiling of a hidden Black/African History)
The African Nile Valley Civilization (Unveiling of a hidden Black/African History)
The African Nile Valley Civilization (Unveiling of a hidden Black/African History)
The African Nile Valley Civilization (Unveiling of a hidden Black/African History)
The African Nile Valley Civilization (Unveiling of a hidden Black/African History)
The African Nile Valley Civilization (Unveiling of a hidden Black/African History)
The African Nile Valley Civilization (Unveiling of a hidden Black/African History)
The African Nile Valley Civilization (Unveiling of a hidden Black/African History)
nose mutilated

nose mutilated

The African Nile Valley Civilization (Unveiling of a hidden Black/African History)
The So called Queen Nerfertiti as the Egyptian see her,This look is very different from the Coptic Caucasian looking model exhibited everywhere in the world.

The So called Queen Nerfertiti as the Egyptian see her,This look is very different from the Coptic Caucasian looking model exhibited everywhere in the world.

The African Nile Valley Civilization (Unveiling of a hidden Black/African History)
noses mutilated

noses mutilated

The African Nile Valley Civilization (Unveiling of a hidden Black/African History)
The African Nile Valley Civilization (Unveiling of a hidden Black/African History)
The African Nile Valley Civilization (Unveiling of a hidden Black/African History)
The African Nile Valley Civilization (Unveiling of a hidden Black/African History)
The African Nile Valley Civilization (Unveiling of a hidden Black/African History)
mutilated noses

mutilated noses

An egyptian weave and it's box

An egyptian weave and it’s box

The African Nile Valley Civilization (Unveiling of a hidden Black/African History)
The heritage of African is used as decoration in the Arab republic of Egypt, they put the fake artifacts on their museums and throw the true Egyptian Arts outside as mere decoration

The heritage of African is used as decoration in the Arab republic of Egypt, they put the fake artifacts on their museums and throw the true Egyptian Arts outside as mere decoration

The African Nile Valley Civilization (Unveiling of a hidden Black/African History)
The African Nile Valley Civilization (Unveiling of a hidden Black/African History)
The African Nile Valley Civilization (Unveiling of a hidden Black/African History)
The African Nile Valley Civilization (Unveiling of a hidden Black/African History)
The African Nile Valley Civilization (Unveiling of a hidden Black/African History)
The African Nile Valley Civilization (Unveiling of a hidden Black/African History)
The African Nile Valley Civilization (Unveiling of a hidden Black/African History)
The African Nile Valley Civilization (Unveiling of a hidden Black/African History)
nose mutilated

nose mutilated

The African Nile Valley Civilization (Unveiling of a hidden Black/African History)
Another African King (pharaoh)'s statue that they mutilated

Another African King (pharaoh)’s statue that they mutilated

The African Nile Valley Civilization (Unveiling of a hidden Black/African History)
The African Nile Valley Civilization (Unveiling of a hidden Black/African History)
mutilated nose

mutilated nose

the face of this statue show signs of attack, look how they took off it's nose/mutilate the face, but the native African(Black) origin of this pharaoh is still there.

the face of this statue show signs of attack, look how they took off it’s nose/mutilate the face, but the native African(Black) origin of this pharaoh is still there.

nose mutilated

nose mutilated

The African Nile Valley Civilization (Unveiling of a hidden Black/African History)
The African Nile Valley Civilization (Unveiling of a hidden Black/African History)
The African Nile Valley Civilization (Unveiling of a hidden Black/African History)
The African Nile Valley Civilization (Unveiling of a hidden Black/African History)
The African Nile Valley Civilization (Unveiling of a hidden Black/African History)
Those statues have been completely decapitated so no one will know who were these Pharaohs/queen

Those statues have been completely decapitated so no one will know who were these Pharaohs/queen

The African Nile Valley Civilization (Unveiling of a hidden Black/African History)
It's sad what racism/egoism lead people do do, how the Black/Africans have been stolen of their History

It’s sad what racism/egoism lead people do do, how the Black/Africans have been stolen of their History

nose mutilated

nose mutilated

The African Nile Valley Civilization (Unveiling of a hidden Black/African History)
The African Nile Valley Civilization (Unveiling of a hidden Black/African History)
The African Nile Valley Civilization (Unveiling of a hidden Black/African History)
The African Nile Valley Civilization (Unveiling of a hidden Black/African History)
The African Nile Valley Civilization (Unveiling of a hidden Black/African History)
We can see how the true color of this statue have been scratched off, the nose/face broken off

We can see how the true color of this statue have been scratched off, the nose/face broken off









Nubian archers

Nubian archers















Nubian/ mutilated nose

Nubian/ mutilated nose

The African Nile Valley Civilization (Unveiling of a hidden Black/African History)
mutilated nose again!

mutilated nose again!

Another statues with nose mutilated,Why this sadism if they were caucasian?

Another statues with nose mutilated,Why this sadism if they were caucasian?

The African Nile Valley Civilization (Unveiling of a hidden Black/African History)
The African Nile Valley Civilization (Unveiling of a hidden Black/African History)
The African Nile Valley Civilization (Unveiling of a hidden Black/African History)
The African Nile Valley Civilization (Unveiling of a hidden Black/African History)
The African Nile Valley Civilization (Unveiling of a hidden Black/African History)
see how most of the statues are nose mutilated, the arguments about the race of Ancient Egyptian is a fake problem completely fabricated, if these racists scientists were sure about Egyptian being non-Black/Africans they wouldn't ask the Africans to prove it.

see how most of the statues are nose mutilated, the arguments about the race of Ancient Egyptian is a fake problem completely fabricated, if these racists scientists were sure about Egyptian being non-Black/Africans they wouldn’t ask the Africans to prove it.

The African Nile Valley Civilization (Unveiling of a hidden Black/African History)
The African Nile Valley Civilization (Unveiling of a hidden Black/African History)
The African Nile Valley Civilization (Unveiling of a hidden Black/African History)
The African Nile Valley Civilization (Unveiling of a hidden Black/African History)
The African Nile Valley Civilization (Unveiling of a hidden Black/African History)
The African Nile Valley Civilization (Unveiling of a hidden Black/African History)
The African Nile Valley Civilization (Unveiling of a hidden Black/African History)
Female hunter

Female hunter

The African Nile Valley Civilization (Unveiling of a hidden Black/African History)
mutilated nose

mutilated nose

The African Nile Valley Civilization (Unveiling of a hidden Black/African History)

Do you know, in the whole world a group of people that portray their divinities in another shapes but theirs? haven’t you ever ask yourselves why the Hieroglyphs display most the animals of the African fauns? did you know that the Meroetic civilization is anterior to the Egyptian civilization and keep the highest amount of pyramids with at last 5000 years?

during the decoding of Hieroglyphs by Champollion the young, the westerners discovered that the most ancient civilization worldwide, Egypt, Was governed by Blacks.denying this fact (till today) they settled with the collusion of most of the Egyptologists of that time (Champollion;Figeac) the biggest and the most monstrous falsification of Human History

Why this wish to falsify the Egyptian History?

Is it because of being the first civilization of the world and the origin of the knowledge of Greeks, then the knowledge that lead today’s world (mathematics;sciences;geometries;astronomy etc..); We can’t admit that the Egyptian civilization was Black?

There have always been till nowadays (falsified documentaries broadcast in mass on the TV ) a wish to portray a population seen in decline (toward a predominant logic, a Black Egypt) toward a conclusion that Egypt was populated of Whites or Semites…

Therefore we must know that most of the documentaries broadcasted on the Tv show only mummies of characters that lived just during the period of the Fall of Egypt, and that are not representative of the Egyptian population.

Egypt during that time being populated by a high numbers of White and Semites strangers.The actual inhabitants have nothing to do with the antique Egyptian civilization; their presence date from the 7th century ac (639). During their arrival the Egyptian civilization didn’t exist and this because of the successive invasions of strangers: Persian;Greeks;Romans then the Semites (Arabs).

The true builders of Egypt; those who are the originators of the Pyramids,tombs,temples, Greek knowledge,obelisks,Hieroglyphs ,cosmogony were true Black/Africans; and this because of the approval of the greatest organisations of this world that go so far by paying a huge amount of researchers for they can falsified the result of their discoveries in Egypt.





Robert Bauval presents evidence that an advanced black African civilization inhabited the Sahara long before Pharaonic Egypt, and reveals black Africa to be at the genesis of ancient civilization and the human story. The mysterious Nabta Playa ceremonial area and its stone calendar circle and megaliths, and put forward the solid hypothesis that an advanced civilization of black Africans settled in the Sahara long before Pharaonic Egypt existed.

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Frozen Characters Reimagined… but why?

A 2009 study from the University of Central Florida in Orlando looked at the impact of animated characters on young girls’ self-image.

After watching clips of cartoon characters who were princesses, many of the girls involved in the research aged three to six, reported that they would need to change their hair color, clothes and skin color.

frozen 17

frozen 6

frozen 7

frozen 9

frozen 11frozen 12

frozen 10frozen 9

frozen 6frozen 5frozen 3frozen


People always say, “It would be unrealistic in the setting for Elsa to be black”. You know what else is unrealistic? Elsa’s body. Or face. Or dress. Or literally any aspect of her design. If the setting matters so much to the realism of the design, why is she wearing a dress with a huge leg slit? Oh yeah, and there’s the fact that SHE HAS ICE POWERS THAT CAN ALSO INEXPLICABLY CREATE SENTIENT BEINGS AND CLOTHING. So the color of her skin couldn’t be changed for the sake of believability?

frozen 4frozen 8

During Frozen, Kristoff is seen wearing Sami clothes and practicing a typically Sami occupation – being a handyman with a trained reindeer (although in real life, you can’t ride reindeer like a horse).

In line with this depiction, this is what Kristoff should look like adhering to what Sami looked like during the 1800s: tan, with an epicanthic eyefold and black hair because- surprise! -the Sami weren’t originally white!

The only reason you end up with a bunch of white people when you google them is because of centuries of forced assimilation/miscegenation and ethnocide at the hands of the Swedes and Norwegians.

Perabo, Lyonel.  Answer to “What Are The Best Examples of a Cultural Genocide?”.  Quora.  3 February 2016.  Retrieved from

Whitelocks, Sadie.  “Angry Disney fans create their own ethnic princess after latest film features ANOTHER ‘generic’ white female”.  Daily Mail.  3 July 2013.  Retrieved from

Skinheads, Swastika, Reggae, Afrika


Imitation isn’t always flattery…


Who Stole the Soul?

Skinhead was an extension of the sixties mod subculture.

1950s-1960s:  The Mods- European Clothes & Black Music

Mods were working-class kids who wanted to dress better than their parents, peers and bosses. Their style was influenced by French, Italian and Ivy League fashion and they listened to (and celebrated) music by black artists, such as blues, soul and R&B. They were also introduced to ska (sometimes called bluebeat) and early reggae by Jamaican immigrants (who had their own subculture, the Rudeboys).

1970s:  From Jamaican Rudeboy to English Skinhead

The style skinheads wear today was actually stolen from Jamaican and white Brits.  It was all about dancing, looking cool, learning from each other.  These weren’t the same skinheads you know today.

Towards the end of the sixties, Mod had become mainstream, commercialised and very flowery. Psychedelic music was becoming popular and some mods became hippies. The tougher, more masculine ‘hard mods’ hated it and wanted to distance themselves from all that. So they started to cut their hair in a very short college-boy style, often with a shaved in side parting (also popular with Rudeboys).

The overall look was stripped down, mixing Ivy League style button-down shirts, dockworker boots and Rudeboy style short trousers and skinny braces (that’s suspenders to you Yanks). People called them various names, such as ‘cropheads’, ‘bovver boys’ or ‘peanuts’, but  on the 3rd of September 1969 a Daily Mirror article gave them the name Skinhead.

And so a new, multicultural subculture – based around working-class pride, toughness, looking smart and dancing to ska and reggae music – was created.


The whole scene was influenced by black culture

– the haircut, the length of our trousers, the walk, some of the talk and, of course, the music, much of it copied from Rude Boy style. Black and white generally got on, we intermingled and if there was trouble it was usually about a woman.
– Nigel Mann, original Skinhead  [quote taken from Paolo Hewitt’s book, The Soul Stylists] 


1980s:  This Is England

Along with this, white nationalist and supremacist movements began to arise in Britain’s marginalized underclass.  Under-educated, unskilled and unemployable, these rebels with neither cause nor clue were so culturally and intellectually bankrupt that they didn’t even have an identity.  They resorted to stealing a white imitation of black culture and claiming it as their own, either unaware of the irony, or too desperate to care:

Unfortunately, the skinhead’s hard, macho image started to attract the National Front and the British Movement. Racists put on braces and big boots and called themselves skinheads without knowing the roots of their adopted subculture. Kids were shouting ‘sieg heil!’ and saluting diagonally, unaware of the irony. There was less emphasis on style – racist skinheads tended to wear t-shirts displaying British Movement and National Front logos instead of smart button downs – and they distanced themselves from the subculture’s black influences by listening to white power rock bands.

News of attacks on Asians, black people and other minorities spread and soon the media blamed skinheads, whether they were actually responsible or not.


White supremacists infected the skinhead scene like a virus- hijacked a vitality and identity that they could never come up with themselves.

Let’s take a second to think about how the white skinheads felt.  Their look and lifestyle, which was an expression of their admiration of black fashion and music, and multiculturalism, had come to symbolize the opposite.  Their identity was stolen from them.  They couldn’t even be themselves anymore, unless they wanted to be mistaken for violent racists.

It’s been stolen.

For me it felt great. You’re amongst your own kind with the music and the clothes. I loved it. So when I read these things about fascism, it’s been stolen, they’ve stolen something that meant so much to me.’
James Ferguson , original Skinhead  [quote taken from Paolo Hewitt’s book, The Soul Stylists]

The Swastika

Those Who Hate You Imitate You

angolan swastika
Angolan Swastika


That the swastika is an ancient African symbol has been known to historians for centuries:

[They] were a dark-skinned people with short hair and prominent lips; and that they are referred to by some scholars as Cushites (Ethiopians), and as Hamites by others.

Mr. Wells alludes to this early civilization in his Outline of History, and dates its beginnings as far back as 15,000 years B.C.

“This peculiar development of the Neolithic culture,” says Mr. Wells, “which Elliot Smith called the Heliolithic (sun-stone) culture, included many or all of the following odd practices:…(9) the use of the symbol known as the Swastika for good luck. …

Elliot Smith traces these associated practices in a sort of constellation all over this great Mediterranean / Indian Ocean-Pacific area. Where one occurs, most of the others occur. They link Brittany with Borneo and Peru. But this constellation of practices does not crop up in the primitive home of Nordic or Mongolian peoples, nor does it extend southward much beyond equatorial Africa. …

The use of the swastika as an African symbol is an established tradition that still flourishes today amongst the Akan or Ashanti people of western Africa:

The Akan occupy a large part of West Africa including parts of Ghana and the Ivory Coast and include many sub-ethnic groups such as the Baule and the Asante (Ashanti).  The Akan were producing swastikas to weigh gold dust which was their currency, thus the name ‘gold weights’.  When used on the gold weight, the swastika was a symbol of currency, expressing power, money, wealth and integrity.  The idea and the implementation of gold-based currency came from the Akan people of modern-day Côte d’Ivoire and Ghana. (Oliver 2014)


The swastika is also one of the Akan people’s famous Adinkra symbols.  Look at number 12 below:

adinkra symbol
According to one source, the swastika is referred to by the Akan as a monkey’s foot. Another source says it is called Kode Emower Ewa (‘talons of the eagle’), represents devotion and service and is shaved on the back of the heads of the Queen Mother’s servants.  Still another source names it Nkotimsefuopua, claiming similarly that certain attendants on the Queen Mother who dressed their hair in this fashion.
The Asante also weave the swastika into their cloth. 
See the top left corner below: 


adinkra cloth
Other African uses of the swastika include scarification, architecture and other decorative arts.
Scarification, Congo
Lalibela Rock Church, Ethiopia

Skirt, Kuba people, Congo

Comb, Akan people, Ghana

Many more swastikas from throughout Africa can be viewed on Pinterest:  suunjata – swastika

Of course, though, the swastika is most famous as the symbol of the Nationalsozialistische Deutsche Arbeiterpartei or National-Socialist German Workers’ Party, better known as the Nazis.  This is where its association with white power and white nationalism comes from.  But where did the Germans get it from?

In the century leading up to the Nazi era, Europe and Germany in particular gained a profound interest in Eastern religion, philosophy, mysticism and occultism.  The most famous leader of the most famous movement- Theosophy- was Helena Blavatsky.  Her writings had a profound influence on the Ariosophy- love of Aryans- that later arose in Germany and Austria, NSDAP founder Adolf Hitler’s place of migration and birthplace, respectively.  This is undoubtedly how he became aware of the symbol.  As we read above, though, many of the eastern cultures that Theosophy and, in turn, Ariosophy were based on, especially the more ancient ones, were actually dark-skinned, and often Africoid, people.  There is evil irony in the fact that their symbol was used against them in hatred.

There is another nearer possible connection to Nazi Germany and the swastika:   Germany’s colonial misadventures in Deutsch-Südwestafrika (German Southwest Africa, a/k/a Namibia) from 1884-1915.  Namibia borders Angola, in which very ancient swastikas have been observed.  Were they exposed to it there?  One can only speculate.


Today’s Neo-Nazi Skinhead

Human Viruses


Neo-Nazi skinheads are, in essence, using black fashion and an African symbol to express white power and racism.  On top of that, their musical style- neo-Nazi punk- is a genre based on- you guessed it- the ska and punk of Jamaican Afro-Brits.

Despite despising them- or maybe because of it, I’m starting to realize- they stole everything from them:  their style, their symbols, their very identity.

Without African (diaspora) fashion, music and symbology, white supremacists wouldn’t have an identity.  Someone that utterly impoverished- morally, intellectually, spiritually- is normally worthy of sympathy.

white power

Conclusion:  Going Viral

As can be seen with the original skinheads- a blend of black and white British culture- trading and borrowing, when credit is given where credit is due, is always welcomed and encouraged.  The borrower is enriched, and the donor is embraced.  (We have to remember that the original skinheads didn’t become Neo-Nazi skinheads- they were hijacked and discarded, too.)  That is cultural appreciation.  That is symbiotic.

Prince Buster & A Skinhead Fan (20CentMax.tumblr)

What we see from modern skinheads, though, is cultural appropriation, and that- feeding off the host and destroying it- is viral.

How do the two differ?  Cultural appropriators

  • claim the cultural items as their own- theft
  • overlook the plight of the culture they borrow from- hypocrisy
  • benefit from the borrowed culture in ways its creators can’t- privilege

Here are some examples:

The girl on the left is “edgy” or “eclectic”.  The girl on the right, whose culture originated the style, is “ghetto” or “thuggish”:

The woman left and center (Saartjie Baartman) got paraded in human zoos in Europes.  The woman on the right who used a wire frame in her dress to imitate her anatomy was a ‘lady’:


This is where skinheads today, the Nazis, Ariosophists and Theosophists of the past, and indeed most racists went awry:  they crossed the fine line between appreciation and appropriation.  They turned something so beautiful and unitary became so ugly and divisive.

They stole the soul.

Let’s take it back.



All quoted text in “Skinheads” section from Max.  “All You Skinheads Get Up On Your Feet!”.  20th Century Max.  1 October 2015.

Jackson, John G. “Ethiopia and the Origin of Civilization” (1939); Retrieved from

Oliver, Daniel.  “Afrikan Swastikas.”  Knowledge of Self. 11 December 2014.

Angolan Swastika:  Drawing by Redinha, 1948.  Found in Coimbra Fernando. “The astronomical origins of the swastika motif”.  Published in 2011: Proceedings of the International Colloquium – The intellectual and  spiritual expressions of non-literate peoples. Atelier, Capo di Ponte: 78-90.


Africa’s Golden Age

As a whole, Black Africa, in the 15th century, before slave trading, was superior to Europe.  

Timbuktu ranked with Alexandria, Fez, Seville, Cordova and Constantinople as a great centre of learning.  Economically, the textiles of Congo and Guinea were as high quality as those of Europe.  Metal works, of copper in particular, of Katanga and Zambia, and iron works of Sierra Leone, were much superior to those they were made to import by force later from Europe.  In Zimbabwe, Rhodes mercenaries and traffickers found huge constructions, and mines well exploited. Bronze metal in Benin was better quality than the Portuguese. European superiority was only in terms of gun fire .

Dawn of a New Era

Shortly after the adoption of Islam, Kanem rose to be a state of considerable importance and extended its sway over the tribes of the Eastern Sudan to the borders of Egypt and Nubia; the first Muslim king of Kanem is said to have reigned either towards the close of the 11th or the first half of the 12th century (8).

Ibn Battuta gives a good description of the people of Mali under Islam:
‘The Black people possess some admirable qualities. they are seldom unjust, and have greater abhorrence of injustice than any other people. their sultan shows no mercy to anyone who is guilty of the least act of it. There is complete security in their country. Neither traveller nor inhabitant in it has anything to fear from robbers or men of violence.

They are careful to observe the hours of prayer, and assiduous in attending them in congregations, and in bringing up their children to them. On Fridays, if a man does not go early to the mosque, he cannot find a corner to pray in, on account of the crowd. It is a custom of theirs to send each man his boy [to the mosque] with his prayer-mat; the boy spreads it out for his master in a place befitting him [and remains on it] until he comes to the mosque. Their prayer-mats are made of the leaves of a tree resembling a date-palm, but without fruit (9).

Another of their good qualities is their habit of wearing clean white garments on Fridays. Even if a man has nothing but an old worn shirt, he washes it and cleans it, and wears it to the Friday service. yet another is their zeal for learning the Qur’an by heart (10).’

The positive impact Islam had on African society was observed by later Western writers and travellers. Smith notes how:
‘We hear of whole tribes laying aside their devil worship, or immemorial fetish, and springing at a bound, as it were, from the very lowest to one of the highest forms of religious belief. Christian travellers, with every wish to think otherwise, have remarked that the Black person who accepts Islam acquires at once a sense of the dignity of human nature not commonly found even among those who have been brought to accept Christianity (11).’
Smith adds:
‘Nor as to the effects of Islam when first embraced by a Black tribe, can there, when viewed as a whole, be any reasonable doubt. Polytheism disappears almost instantaneously; sorcery, with it attendant evils, gradually dies away; human sacrifice becomes a thing of the past. The general moral elevations is most marked; the natives begin for the first time in their history to dress, and that neatly. Squalid filth is replaced by some approach to personal cleanliness; hospitality becomes a religious duty; drunkenness, instead of the rule becomes a comparatively rare exception. Though polygamy is allowed by the Koran, it is not common in practice…; chastity is looked upon as one of the highest, and becomes, in fact, on of the commoner virtues. It is idleness henceforth that degrades, and industry that elevates, instead of the reverse. Offences are henceforth measured by a written code instead of the arbitrary caprice of a chieftain-a step, as every one will admit, of vast importance in the progress of a tribe (12).’

The Islamic impact is also on the economic and cultural levels. Muslims proved to be excellent traders and came to dominate the commercial world, helping to foster progress in sciences, philosophy and technology wherever they settled. Merchants from Arabia and the Gulf opened up the eastern coasts of Africa, from the Horn to Madagascar, to international trade (13). The rich trading settlements of Sofala, Kilwa and Mogadishu became Africa’s outlets to the Indian Ocean. Along the coast, from the Horn to Madagascar, the original Muslim civilisation developed around the Muslim trading settlements: the Swahili civilisation (14).
Browne, and Englishman, who undertook extensive travels in Central African in the years 1799 and 1806 (15), remarks that, among the idolaters of Sheibon and other places, the only persons he saw wearing decent clothes, or indeed clothing at all, were Muslims; that it was to the introduction of Islam a century and a half before his time that Darfur owed its settled government and the cultivation of its soil; and that the people of Bergoo were remarkable for their zealous attachment to their religion, and read the Qur’an daily. In this summary we hear of the use of decent clothing, and the arts of reading and agriculture, attributed to Islam (16).

Mungo Park, educated as he was for the Scotch Church, and cruelly persecuted as he was throughout his travels by the ‘Moorish banditi’, Smith notes would not be likely to be a friend of Islam, and many of his remarks show a strong bias against it: his testimony, therefore is all the more valuable. His travels lay almost exclusively among Muslims or semi-Muslim tribes, and he found that the Black people were everywhere summoned to prayer by blasts blown through elephants’ tusks. On reahing the Niger, the main object of his wanderings, he found, to his surprise, that Sego, the capital of Bamharra, was a walled town, containing some 30,000 inhabitants, that the houses were square and very often white-washed, and that there were Muslim mosques in every quarter. ‘The view of this extensive city,’ he writes, ‘the numerous canoes upon the river, the crowded population, and the cultivated state of the surrounding country, formed altogether a prospect of civilisation and magnificence which I little expected to find in the bosom of Africa’ (17).
His impression of the women was most favourable. ‘I do not recollect,’ he says, ‘a single instance of hard-heartedness towards me among the women. In all my wandering and wretchedness I found them uniformly kind and compassionate.’ One of the first lessons in which the Mandingo women instructed their children was the practice of truth. (18)

Mungo Park adds: ‘the beverages of the pagan Negroes are beer and mead, of which they frequently drink to excess. The Muslims amongst them drink nothing but water’ (19).
As to education, Mungo Park found schools and active teachers everywhere (20). In Africa, we are assured, at all hands, that the Muslim population has an almost passionate desire for education. Wherever Muslims are numerous, they establish schools themselves; and there are not a few who travel extraordinary distances to secure the best possible education (21).

The Reverend Edward Blyden, a native Black African and Christian missionary, counters those who attack Islam, and says:
‘If those Christians who are so unmeasured in their denunciations of ‘Mohammedanism’ could travel, as I have travelled, through those countries in the interior of West Africa, and witness, as I have witnessed, the vast contrast between the pagan and ‘Mohammedan’ communities- the habitual listlessness of the one, and the activity and growth, physical and mental, of the other; the capricious and unsettled administration of law, or rather the absence of law, in the one, and the tendency to order and regularity in the other; the increasing prevalence of ardent spririts in the one, and the rigid sobriety and conservative abstemiousness of the other- they would cease to regard the ‘Mussulman’ system as an unmitigated evil in the interior of Africa’ (22).

Western Efforts to Block the Progress of African Civilization

The Western slave trade, which reached its peak in the 18th century, shattered not just Muslim communities, but the whole of African society and economy, and permanently. Garaudy and Howitt explain how this disastrous impact in great detail (23). It is not that African society, as generally held in Western writing, was initially backward, thus clearing the conscience of the slave traders from their responsibility in its backwardness, but rather, as a whole, Black Africa, in the 15th century, before slave trading, Garaudy explains was not inferior to Europe (24). Coming from Goa or Egypt, Islam penetrated as far as Chad, and met in Nigeria and old black civilisation, which was remarkable for its art, possibly tributary to Mediterranean classical influences, which it soon adopted (25). The African states of Ghana, Mali and songhay shared in the great age of Islamic civilisation from the 9th to 16th centuries (26). On his return from his pilgrimage to Makkah in 1324, Mansa Musa brought back with him the Muslim poet and architect Es Saheli, who built the famous mosques and learning academies of Timbuktu and Gao (27). Timbuktu ranked with Alexandria, Fez, Seville, Cordova and Constantinople as a great centre of learning (28). Blyden speaks of the story of the Hejazi jurist who sought employment in Timbuktu, but who, finding too many scholars went on to Fez where he found employment more easily. He quotes with relish many honourable appearances of a black skin in Islamic literature, as an encouragement to African learning (29).

Economically, the textiles of Congo and Guinea were as high quality as those of Europe; Nigerian decorated hides and leather were appreciated in Europe, getting to it via North Africa; and metal works, of copper in particular, of Katanga and Zambia, and iron works of Sierra Leone, were much superior to those they were made to import by force later from Europe (30). The Empire of Ghana was a thriving commercial centre, and its large capital, Kumbi Saleh, was an important centre of trade and scholarship, where Islamic theology and history were studied (31). In Zimbabwe, Rhodes mercenaries and traffickers found huge constructions, and mines well exploited. Bronze metal in Benin was better quality than the Portuguese. European superiority was only in terms of gun fire (32).
It was Western Christendom, and above all the slave trade it inflicted on Africa, which destroyed these progresses of the African continent, and made the prosperity of the slave-trading nations (33). In 1540, only 400 Africans were deported, a figure which rose to nearly 300,000 every year in the 18th century (34). Due to losses during capture, transportation, deaths at the plantations, etc., 100 million Africans perished as a result of the slave trade (65).

This article was an excerpt of al-Djazairi, S.E., A Short History of Islam, The Institute of Islamic History, Manchester: 2006
(1) J.S. Trimingham: the Influence of Islam; op cit; p. 53
(2) Ibid; pp. 62-3
(3) Ibid; p. 67
(4) Ibid; p. 68
(5) Ibid; pp. 68-9
(6) on the day of Judgement each person will be held responsible for his deeds. ‘The fate of every man have We bound upon his neck…, neither shall any laden soul be charged with the burden of another’; sura xvii.13, 15, vi 34 [Qur-aan 17.13, 15; 6.34]
(7) J.S. Trimingham: The Influence of Islam; op cit; p. 57
(8) C. H. Becker: Geschichte des ostlichen Sudan; Der Islam; vol 1; Strassburg; 1910; pp. 162-3
(9) Ibn Battuta: Voyages d’Ibn Battuta, Arabic text accompanied by Fr tr by C. Defremery and B.R. Sanguinetti, preface and notes by Vincent Monteil, I-IV, Paris, 1968, repring of the 1854 ed; vol 4; pp. 421-2
(10) Ibn Battuta: Travels in Asia and Africa; tr and selected by H.A.R. Gibb; George Routledge and Sons Ltd; London, 1929; pp. 329-31
(11) R.B. Smith: Mohammed; op cit; p.38
(12) Ibid; pp. 42-3
(13) D.T. Niane: General History of Africa; op cit; p.2
(14) Ibid; p. 3
(15) See Pinkerton: Voyages; vol xv and xvi
(16) In R.B. Smith; Mohammed; op cit; p. 44
(17) Mungo Park’s Traves; Cap I. Nd fin; in R.B. Smith: Mohammed; op cit; p. 45
(18) In R.B. Smith; Mohammed; op cit; p. 46
(19) Mungo Park; Cap VII; in R.B. Smith: Mohammed; op cit; p. 46
(20) In R.B. Smith: Mohammed; p. 47
(21) Ibid; p. 41
(22) Ibid; pp. 50-1
(23) R. Garaudy: Comment l’Homme; op cit. W Howitt: Colonisation an dChristianity. op cit.
(24) R Garaudy; Comment l’Homme; op cit; p. 271
(25) E Perroy: Le Moyen Age, Presses Universitaires de France, 1956; p. 525
(26) D. M. Traboulay: Columbus and Las Casas; University Press of America, New York, London, 1994. p. 69
(27) Ibid; p. 70
(28) G.O. Cox: African Empires and Civilisations; New York; 1974; p. 161
(39) Blyden in N. Daniel: Islam, Europe and Empire; Edinburgh University Press; 1966; p. 314
(30) R. Garaudy: Comment l’Homme; op. cit; p. 271
(31) D.M. Traboulay: Columbus and Las Casas; op cit; p. 69
(32) R. Garaud: Comment l’Homme; op cit; p. 271
(33) E. Williams: Capitalism and Slavery; North Carolina; 1944. Catherine C. Vidrotitch: Villes Africaines; op cit; at p. 1390. M. Craton: Sinews of Empire: A short history of British slavery; Garden City; NY; Doubleday; 1974
(34) R. Garaudy; Comment l’Homme; op cit; p. 275
(35) Ibid.

Why Have There Been So Many Black Gods?

This being the case; when we find the great nations of the world, both past and present, worshipping black gods, then we logically conclude that these peoples are either members of the black race, or that they originally received their religion in toto or in part from black people.1

Gods of India

The ancient gods of India are shown with Ethiopian crowns on their heads.1



The Brahma Samhita is a Sanskrit Pancaratra text composed of verses of prayer spoken by Brahma glorifying the supreme Lord Krishna or Govinda at the beginning of creation.

The lyrics, chapter 5 verse 38 reads: “I worship Govinda, the primeval Lord, who plays on His transcendental flute. His eyes are like lotus flowers, He is decorated with peacock plumes, and His bodily color resembles the color of a fresh black cloud, although His bodily features are more beautiful than millions of Cupids.”


Chapter 6, verses 1-2 reads: “The Lord was dressed in yellow garments and had a blackish complexion.”

The Sanskrit word “Krishna” has the literal meaning “black,”  “dark” or  “dark-blue.” Krishna is also called “Śyāma,” the blackish one, or the beautiful dark boy with a blackish color.2


The name of Kali means black one.6



Shiva, Consort of Kali


Isis, Queen of the Gods/Madonna, Mother of God


(l-r:  Isis, Mary, Becky)

“All the gods and goddesses of Greece were black,” asserts Sir Godfrey Higgins, “at least this was the case with Jupiter, Baccus, Hercules, Apollo, Ammon. The goddesses Benum, Isis, Hecate, Diana, Juno, Metis, Ceres, Cybele were black.” (Anacalypsis, Vol. I, Book IV, Chap. I.) Even the Romans, who received their religion mainly from the Greeks, admitted their debt to Egypt and Ethiopia. This may be well illustrated by the following passage from The Golden Ass or Metamorphosis, by Apuleius. The author, as an initiate of the Isis cult is represented as being addressed by that goddess: “I am present; I who am Nature, the parent of things, queen of all the elements … the primitive Phrygians called me Pressimunitica, the mother or the gods; the native Athenians, Ceropian Minerva; the floating Cyprians, Paphian Venus … the inhabitants of Eleusis, the ancient goddess Ceres. Some again have invoked me as Juno, others as Bellona, others as Hecate, and others Rhamnusia; and those who are enlightened by the emerging rays of the rising sun, the Ethiopians, Ariians and Egyptians, powerful in ancient learning, who reverence by divinity with ceremonies perfectly proper, call me by my true appellation, Queen Isis.” (Doane’s Bible Myths, Note, p. 478.)


Many believe that the Black Madonnas of Europe represent vestiges of the adoration of the African goddess Ast, better known as Isis. Notre Dame Cathedral, the Cathedral of Our Lady of Paris, considered a masterpiece of Gothic architecture and at the very center of Paris, was built directly over an ancient temple of this supreme African deity. Indeed, it has been noted the name of Paris itself is derived from Park of Isis.4



Ivan Van Sertima in “BLACK MADONNAS OF EUROPE: Diffusion of the African Isis” added:

“The Black Madonnas of Europe have a tradition which goes back hundreds of years, before the advent of Christianity. The African Isis [Aset] was prototype for the Black Madonnas of Europe. As the worship of Isis was suppressed, the Virgin Mary was elevated into the European Christendom. The African Isis was worshiped under the name of the Virgin Mary.”2








A study of the images of ancient deities of both the Old and New Worlds reveal their Ethiopic origin. This is noted by Kenneth R. H. Mackezie in T. A. Buckley’s Cities of the Ancient World, p. 180: “From the wooly texture of the hair, I am inclined to assign to the Buddha of India, the Fuhi of China, the Sommonacom of the Siamese, the Zaha of the Japanese, and the Quetzalcoatl of the Mexicans, the same, and indeed an African, or rather Nubian, origin.”1


The statues of ancient Buddhas of the East depicted him as having woolly hair- always shown in corn rows or “peppercorn” texture of small tight curls.3



These statues also clearly show him to be Africoid, with the wide nose, thick lips and frizzy, nappy, hair which are distinctive Negro characteristics.3



In most ancient temples throughout Asia, he is shown as jet Black.3



In fact, in most of the ancient temples of Asia and India, statues of the gods and goddesses have Africoid features with woolly hair in the peppercorn style, while some even have dreadlocks.3


In a two-volume work entitled, “A Book of the Beginnings,” originally published in 1881, author Gerald Massey recorded:


“It is not necessary to show that the first colonizers of India were black, but it is certain that the black Buddha of India was imaged in the Africoid type. In the black [African] god, whether called Buddha or Sut-Nahsi, we have a datum. They carry in their color the proof of their origin.”2







Most of these black gods were regarded as crucified saviors who died to save mankind by being nailed to a cross, or tied to a tree with arms outstretched as if on a cross, or slain violently in some other manner. Of these crucified saviors, the most prominent were Osiris and Horus of Egypt, Krishna of India, Mithra of Persia, Quetazlcoatl of Mexico, Adonis of Babylonia and Attis of Phrygia. Nearly all of these slain savior-gods have the following stories related about them: They are born of a virgin, on or near Dec. 25th (Christmas); their births are heralded by a star; they are born either in a cave or stable; they are slain, commonly by crucifixion; they descend into hell, and rise from the dead at the beginning of Spring (Easter), and finally ascend into heaven. The parallels between the legendary lives of these pagan messiahs and the life of Jesus Christ as recorded in the Bible are so similar that progressive Bible scholars now admit that stories of these heathen Christs have been woven into the life-story of Jesus. (These remarkable parallels are discussed and interpreted in a pamphlet, Christianity Before Christ, by John G. Jackson, New York, 1938.)



Jesus’ hair was short with tight curls

  • Bible: “…and the hair of his head like pure wool… (Daniel 7.9)”



  • Early Christian Historians: “At that time also there appeared a certain man of magic power … if it be meet to call him a man, [whose name is Jesus], whom [certain] Greeks call a son of [a] God, but his disciples [call] the true prophet who is supposed to have raised dead persons and to have cured all diseases. Both his nature and his form were human, for he was a man of simple appearance, mature age, black-skinned (melagchrous),… prognathous (lit. ‘with a long face [macroprosopos]), a long nose… with scanty & curly hair, but having a line in the middle of the head after the fashion of the Nazaraeans, with an undeveloped beard. (*Halōsis, ii.174).” (Flavius Josephus)”


  • Modern Bible Scholars: “While most religious artists have put long hair on Christ, most biblical scholars believe that it was probably short with tight curls…” [3]


  • Islamic Prophetic Narrations: “Jesus was a curly-haired man of moderate height.”



Jesus’ hair was also long, and parted at the middle


  • Early Christian Historians: “with scanty, curly* hair [1], but having a line in the middle of the head


  • Islamic Prophetic Narrations: “I saw in my dream a man of brown color the best one can see amongst brown color and his hair was long that it fell between his shoulders. His hair was lank and water was dribbling from his head and he was placing his hands on the shoulders of two men while circumambulating the Kaba. I asked, ‘Who is this?’ They replied, ‘This is Jesus, son of Mary.’” (Prophet Muhammad)


“No, By Allah, the Prophet did not tell that Jesus was of red complexion but said, “While I was asleep circumambulating the Ka’ba (in my dream), suddenly I saw a man of brown complexion and lank hair walking between two men, and water was dropping from his head. I asked, ‘Who is this?’ The people said, ‘He is the son of Mary.’ Then I looked behind and I saw a red-complexioned, fat, curly-haired man, blind in the right eye which looked like a bulging out grape. I asked, ‘Who is this?’ They replied, ‘He is Ad-Dajjal.’”


* Note the juxtaposition of the Messiah and False Messiah, both important to Islamic and Christian eschatology.



Which kind of hair did he have:  Tightly-Curled or Long?


Indeed both.


How can the same man have both short, tightly-curled or wooly hair, and also long, lank hair?

The answer is that these are describing different stages of (“dread”)locked hair, specifically those of an African.



Wool & Locked Hair

Wool compares favorably in appearance to (“dread”)locks:



Scanty, Short, and Curly Hair & Short Locked Hair

Only the hair of Sub-Saharan (“black”) Africans, and others like Andamanese Islanders and aboriginal Southeast Asians (“Negritos”, Orang Asli) is (tightly) curled or ‘woolly’ when it is short.  It also appears scanty or thin because of the parting of the hair into small knots (also known as ‘peppercorn’ hair texture):



These compare favorably with early depictions of Jesus Christ:


Long Hair that can be Scant & Tightly-Curled while Short


The locked hair of an African (or others with “Negroid”/“Africoid” features) is the only type of hair that can be both short and curly, and long hair.  Short locks are initially spread apart (‘scanty’) and tightly-curled, but after growing, their weight causes them to be long and limp (‘lanky’).




 Jesus was a Dreadlocked African(-Diasporan)

Thus, the seeming contradiction is solved:  Jesus was a (“dread”)locked African(-diasporan).  His hair was sparse and tightly curled when short, and long and lank once it had grown into locks.  These are descriptions of different stages of his locked hair.

African(-diasporan) males compare favorably with phenotypical features common to Christian and Islamic sources, and also with those unique to each:

  • Common to both:
    • Brown skin
    • Woolly hair
    • Hair that is tightly curled when short
    • Hair that can be parted in the middle when long
  • Christian only:
    • Prognathous (having a projecting lower jaw or chin- common among many Sub-Saharan Africans)
    • An undeveloped beard (Many Sub-Saharan Africans do not grow full beards)
  • Islamic only
    • Shoulder-length air that can drip lots of water



Lastly, the peculiar Islamic description of copious water drops will be addressed in brief.  This can’t be a description of long hair of thin strands, because that hair lays flat when wet, and droplet dribble down the back of the person, but could only drop from his or her head if they shook it violently.

Wet Asiatic Hair


Locks on the other hand, absorb copious amounts of water, and can drip visible droplets for quite some time.5


Wet Locked Hair



The “Black” Messiah


1 Jackson, John G. “Ethiopia and the Origin of Civilization” (1939); Retrieved 17.12.2014 from

2 Tracy.  “5 Black Gods Whitewashed in Recent History”.  Atlanta Blackstar.  25.09.2013.

3 Horus.  “Ancient Black Buddha”.  Nairaland.

4 Rashidi, Runoko.  “The Black Madonnas Of Europe: Miracle Workers and Holy Icons”.  Atlanta Blackstar.  26.03.2014.

5 Oliver, Daniel.  “Jesus with Dreadlocks:  an illustrated guide to Christian and Islamic descriptions of the Messiah”.  qãhırıï.  02.05.2015.


HIDDEN HISTORY: How White Slavery Helped Shape the Modern Arab

“Learn your lineages…” -Prophet Muhammad (s)

“Every king springs from a race of slaves, and every slave had kings among his ancestors.” -Plato

It is reported that the Prophet Mohamed (pbuh) said, (In a dream) I saw myself following a herd of black sheep. Then a group of white sheep came (and mixed with the black sheep) until they (the white sheep) became so many that the black sheep could no longer be seen in the herd of sheep.” Abu Bakr, the companion of the Prophet (pbuh) and the interpreter of dreams, said, “Oh Messenger of Allah. As for the black sheep, they are the Arabs. They will accept Islam and become many. The white sheep are the non-Arab Persians, etc. They will accept Islam and become so many that the Arabs will not be noticed amongst them.” The Prophet Mohamed (pbuh) then said that an angel had interpreted the dream the same way.

Zaid ibn Aslam related that the prophet (SAWS) saw a vision and told his companions about it. He said, “I saw a group of black sheep and a group of white sheep then mixed with the black sheep. I interpreted it to mean that the non-Arab Persians will enter Islam and then share with you your genealogy and your wealth.” The companions became surprised by what he (SAWS) said. Then one said, “The non-Arab Persians will enter our land, Oh Messenger of Allah?!” The Prophet (SAWS) then said, “Yes. By He Who Has my soul in His Hand, if the religion was hanging on the distant star, men from the non-Arab Persians would reach it and the luckiest of them would be the people of Faris.

(Reported in Suyuti, Jalal ad-Deen.  “Tareekh al-Khulafaa (d. 1505). black sheep (,

Do the above narrations and interpretations really prophecy a change in the phenotype (physical appearance) of the people of Arabia?  Do they really imply that today’s Arabs are a foreign people who have overwhelmed the original populace?

Historians seem to think so:

Bertram Thomas, historian and former Prime Minister of Muscat and Oman, reported in his work ‘The Arabs’:
“The original inhabitants of Arabia…were not the familiar Arabs of our time but a very much darker people.  A proto-negroid belt of mankind stretched across the ancient world from Africa to Malaya.  This belt…(gave) rise to the Hamitic peoples of Africa, to the Dravidian peoples of India, and to an intermediate dark people inhabiting the Arabian peninsula.  In the course of time two big migrations of fair-skinned peoples came from the north…to break through and transform the dark belt of man beyond India (and) to drive a wedge between India and Africa…The more virile invaders overcame the dark-skinned peoples, absorbing most of them, driving others southwards…The cultural condition of the newcomers is unknown.  It is unlikely that they were more than wild hordes of adventurous hunters.”
Modern dark-skinned descendants of ancient Arabians like the Qarra and Mahra of Oman told colonial observers they originated in Africa.
Modern dark-skinned descendants of ancient Arabians like the Qarra and Mahra of Oman told colonial observers they originated in Africa.
“(Regarding) [t]he origin of the Arab race…
the first certain fact on which to base our investigations is the ancient and undoubted division of the Arab race into two branches, the ‘Arab’ or pure; and the ‘Mostareb’ or adscititions…
A second fact is, that everything in pro-Islamitic literature and record…concurs in representing the first settlement of the ‘pure’ Arabs as made on the extreme south-western point of the peninsula, near Aden, and then spreading northward and eastward…
A third is the name Himyar, or ‘dusky’…a circumstance pointing, like the former, to African origin.
A fourth is the Himyaritic language…(The preserved words) are African in character, often in identity. Indeed, the dialect commonly used along the south-eastern coast hardly differs from that used by the (Somali) Africans on the opposite shore…
Fifthly, it is remarkable that where the grammar of the Arabic, now spoken by the ‘pure’ Arabs, differs from that of the north, it approaches to or coincides with the Abyssinian…
Sixthly, the pre-Islamitic institutions of Yemen and its allied provinces-its monarchies, courts, armies, and serfs-bear a marked resemblance to the historical Africao-Egyptian type, even to modern Abyssinian.
Seventhly, the physical conformation of the pure-blooded Arab inhabitants of Yemen, Hadramaut, Oman, and the adjoining districts-the shape and size of head, the slenderness of the lower limbs, the comparative scantiness of hair, and other particulars-point in an African rather than an Asiatic direction.
Eighthly, the general habits  of the people,-given to sedentary rather than nomad occupations, fond of village life, of society, of dance and music; good cultivators of the soil, tolerable traders, moderate artisans, but averse to pastoral pursuits-have much more in common with those of the inhabitants of the African than with those of the western Asiatic continent.
Lastly, the extreme facility of marriage which exists in all classes of the southern Arabs with the African races; the fecundity of such unions; and the slightness or even absence of any caste feeling between the dusky ‘pure’ Arab and the still darker native of modern Africa…may be regarded as pointing in the direction of a community of origin.”
(The Encyclopedia Britanica [9th Edition; 1:245-46 s.v. Arabia) (
The dark-skinned South Arabian today is short and “extremely round-headed (brachycephalic)” but he was no doubt originally much taller and dolichocephalic (long-headed) like the so-called Hamites of East Africa.
In the 13th century CE the Muslim traveler Ibn al-Mujāwir described the Mahra as “tall, handsome folk” in his Tārīkh al-mustabsir, 271.1.17 and early pre-Christian skulls found in Hadramawt were markedly dolichocephalic.
It has been suggested that the ‘definite change’ in the racial constitution of the people of Hadramawt resulted from the invasion and inbreeding of brachycephalic whites such as Armenoids or Persians.
Henry Field suggested that Arabia’s current ethnography is the result of the mixing of two distinct basal stocks: The dolichocephalic (long-headed), dark-skinned Mediteranean/Eur-African and the brachycephalic (round-headed) fair-skinned Armenoid. See his “Ancient and Modern Inhabitants of Arabia,” The Open Court 46 (1932): 854 [art.=847-869].
Dolichocephalic (
East African with Dolichocephalic (“long-headed”) face and head type
Armenoid Kurd with Brachycephalic (
Armenoid Kurd with Brachycephalic (“round-headed”) head and fac

These findings are corroborated by Persian sources describing their first impression of their Arab Muslim conquerors.

“When Fredon (mythical hero) came, they (the black people) fled from the lands of Iran and settled on the coast of the sea. Now, through the invasion of the Arabs, they (the Zing-i-Siak posht (i.e. the black skinned negroes)) are again diffused through the country of Iran.”

(Bundahishn (Creation of the Origins)- A Zoroastrian text)

[Note: in these last sentences allusion is made to the Blackness of both the original inhabitants of Iran, and of the Arabs.]

iranian women

You’re saying that the real Arabs are Black?!  What do these historians know anyway?  They’re not Arab or Muslim.  They’re colonialists and Orientalists out to distort Islamic history.

True.  Who better to ask than the Arabs themselves?  How did the Arab historians, grammarians, linguists and pre-Islamic poets describe themselves?  Let’s see:

  “Red (al-hamra’) refers to non-Arabs due to their fair complexion which predominates amongthem. And the Arabs used to say about the non-Arabs with whom white skin was characteristic, such as the Romans, Persians, and their neighbors: ‘They are red-skinned (al-hamra’)…” al-hamra’ means the Persians and Romans…And the Arabs attribute white skin to the slaves.

(Ibn Manzur [Lisan al-arab IV: 209, 210])

Couldn't many
Couldn’t many “white” people be more accurately described as “red”?

Al-Mubarrad (d. 898), the leading figure in the Basran grammatical tradition, claimed: “The Arabs used to take pride in their brown and black complexion (al-sumra wa al-sawād) and they had a distaste for a white and fair complexion (al-umra wa al-shaqra), and they used to say that such was the complexion of the non-Arabs.”

Ibn Abī al-Ḥadīd, Shar nahj al-balāghah, V:56.

Lisan El-Arab (an old Arabic dictionary) mentions Shamar’s explanation of the hadiths that say that the prophet Mohamed (pbuh) said that he was sent to the blacks and the reds. Shamar explains the hadiths as follows:

قال شمر: يعنـي العرب والعجم والغالب علـى أَلوان العرب السُّمرة والأُدْمَة وعلـى أَلوان العجم البـياض والـحمرة،

“He means (by the blacks and the reds) the Arabs and the non-Arabs and the complexion of most Arabs is brown and jet-black and the complexion of most non-Arabs is white and red.”

Hmm... Let's think about that.
Hmm… Let’s think about that.

Shams El-Din Mohamed ibn Ahmed ibn Othman El-Dhahabi (died1374 A.D.) explains the hadith that mentions that a man was “red-skinned as if he was one of the slaves” as follows:

يريد ألقائل أنه في لون ألموالي ألذين سبوا من نصارى ألشام وألروم و ألعجم

“The speaker means that the man was the color of the slaves who were captured from the Christians of Syria and from the Romans and the Persians.”

Thus, it was common for the Arabs of the past to describe a light-skinned person as having the color of the slaves. This is a known fact.   Ibn Mandhor (1232-1311 A.D.) says in his book Lisan El-Arab:

سبوطة الشعر هي الغالبة علـى شعور العجم من الروم والفرس. و جُعودة الشعر هي الغالبة علـى شعور العرب

“Non-kinky hair is the kind of hair that most non-Arabs like the Romans and Persians have while kinky hair is the kind of hair that most Arabs have.”

lank hair
Woman with lank hair
true arabs 2
Arabs with different grades of kinky hair

The Arabs of the past also used the word green to mean black. El-Fadl ibn El-Abbas ibn ‘Utba El-Lahabi said:

وأَنا الأَخْضَرُ، من يَعْرِفُنـي؟ أَخْضَرُ الـجِلْدَةِ فـي بـيتِ العَرَبْ

I am the green one. Who knows me? My skin is green. I am from the family of the Arabs.

Bronze is a copper alloy (combination of copper and tin) and when exposed to air and moisture, it will develop a greenish layer of build-up on its dark brown surface. Hence the association of green with dark-brown skin.
Bronze is a copper alloy (combination of copper and tin) and when exposed to air and moisture, it will develop a greenish layer of build-up on its dark brown surface. Hence the association of green with dark-brown skin.

Ibn Mandhor, the author of Lisan El-Arab says this about the verse:

يقول: أَنا خالص لأَن أَلوان العرب السمرة

He says that he is a pure Arab because the color of the Arabs is brown (dark).”

In Lisan El-Arab, Ibn Mandhor also quotes the author of El-Tahdhib, Saad El-Din Masud ibn Umar El-Taftaazaani (1312-1389 A.D.) as saying the following about the verse:

فـي هذا البـيت قولان: أَحدهما أَنه أَراد أَسود الـجلدة؛ قال: قاله أَبو طالب النـحوي، وقـيل: أَراد أَنه من خالص العرب وصميمهم لأَن الغالب علـى أَلوان العرب الأُدْمَةُ،

There are two sayings about this verse. One is that he meant that he had black skin. This is what Abu Talib El-Nahwi said. It is also said that he meant that he is a pure unmixed Arab because most Arabs are black-skinned.”

Abdella ibn Berry (1106-1187 A.D.), the “King of the Grammarians” as he was called, said the following about the verse:

قال ابن بري: نسب الـجوهري هذا البـيت للهبـي، وهو الفضل بن العباس بن عُتْبَةَ بن أَبـي لَهَبٍ، وأَراد بالـخضرة سمرة لونه، وإِنما يريد بذلك خـلوص نسبه وأَنه عربـي مـحض، لأَن العرب تصف أَلوانها بالسواد وتصف أَلوان العجم بالـحمرة. وفـي الـحديث: بُعثت إِلـى الأَحمر والأَسود؛ وهذا الـمعنى بعينه هو الذي أَراده مسكين الدارمي فـي قوله أَنا مسكِينٌ لـمن يَعْرِفُنـي، لَوْنِـي السُّمْرَةُ أَلوانُ العَرَبْ

“El-Jawhari attributed this verse to El-Lahabi and he is El-Fadl ibn El-Abbas ibn ‘Utba ibn Abi Lahab and he meant by green the brownness (darkness) of his complexion and he meant by that the purity of his genealogy and that he was an unmixed Arab because the Arabs describe their color as black and they describe the color of the non-Arabs as red. Like the hadith says, ‘I was sent to the red and the black. And this is exactly what Miskeen El-Darimi meant when he said: ‘I am Miskeen, for those who know me. My color is brown (dark), the color of the Arabs’”.

Ibn Mandhor says in his book Lisan El-Arab:

والعرب إِذا قالوا: فلان أَبـيض وفلانة بـيضاء فمعناه الكرم فـي الأَخلاق لا لون الـخـلقة، وإِذا قالوا: فلان أَحمر وفلانة حمراء عنوا بـياض اللون؛

“When the Arabs said that a man or a woman was ‘white’, they meant that the person was honorable. They weren’t talking about his/her complexion. When they (the Arabs) said that a man or a woman was ‘red’, they meant that his/her complexion was white.

The famous, old Arabic dictionary Lisan El Arab also quotes the author of El-Tahdhib, Saad El-Din Masud ibn Umar El-Taftaazaani (1312-1389 A.D.) as saying:

التهذيب: إِذا قالت العرب فلان أَبْـيَضُ وفلانة بَـيْضاء فالـمعنى نَقاء العِرْض من الدنَس والعيوب… لا يريدون به بَـياضَ اللون ولكنهم يريدون الـمدح بالكرم ونَقاءِ العِرْض من العيوب، وإِذا قالوا: فلان أَبْـيَض الوجه وفلانة بَـيْضاءُ الوجه أَرادوا نقاءَ اللون من الكَلَفِ والسوادِ الشائن

“When the Arabs said that a man or a woman was white, they meant that the person had a faultless honor…they didn’t mean white skin. What they meant by this was to praise the person for his/her generosity and faultless honor. When they said that a man or woman had a white face, they meant that the person had a complexion free of blemishes and free of an unattractive blackness.”

“White” means a glowing complexion, not a pale skin color.

Whatever.  If the original Arabs were black, then how do you explain the predominance of light brown and white Arabs of today?

There are different ways that non-Arabs changed the dark-skinned, Negroid/Dravidian appearance of Arabia and the Middle East:

1.  Intermarriage between non-Arab converts and slaves with Arabs.

“increasing intermarriage (between Arabs and non-Arabs) served to submerge the original distinctions, and increasing numbers of the conquered, having adopted the religion and language of the conquerors, took to assuming the identity as if Arabs themselves” (Segal 2001:22)

“In one important way … (the second caliph) Omar was unable to prevent the Moslems from mingling with the subject peoples … Since they were forbidden to own land, they used their wealth (from booty) chiefly to buy women … All the children born of these unions – and there were many thousands of them – called themselves Arabs, in order to identify with the ruling class. When they grew up and married, their offspring in turn called themselves Arabs. Thus it came about that the people of the Moslem world, many of them without a drop of Arab blood in their veins, became known as Arabs.”Such ‘conversion to Arabism’ is illustrated by the words of the Iranian poet Bashshar b. Barb (d. 783-4), who responded to the caliph al-Mahdi’s question, “Of whom do you reckon yourself, Bashshar”: “As for my language and dress, they are Arab; but as for my origin, it is non-Arab (ajam.)”” (Suskind 1972:37)

Ninth century poet Abu Al-Hasan Ali ibn Al-Abbas ibn Jurayj, known as Ibn Al-Rumi, wrote a long poem to the Abbasids blaming them for the way that they treated the family of the Prophet Mohamed (SAWS). It should be understood that at that time, the Abbasids had become very mixed with the Romans, Greeks, and Persians. Here is part of what Ibn Al-Rumi said in his famous poem called Al-Jeemia:

  “You insulted them (the family of the Prophet Mohamed) because of their blackness while there are still pure-blooded black-skinned Arabs. However, you are blue (eyed) – the Romans have embellished your faces with their color.”

Blue-eyed Syrian (Syria was conquered by Muslims from Rome.)
Blue-eyed Syrian (Syria was conquered by Muslims from Rome.)

2.  Assimilation (Arabization) and Empowerment of Non-Arabs

In the passage quoted below al-Maqrīzī discusses the influence on Islamic tradition of the Abbasid caliph al-Maʿmūn (reigned 813-833) and his successors al-Muʿtaṣim (r. 833-842), al-Mutawakkil (r. 847-861) and al-Mustaʿīn (r. 862-866).     

“This fellow al-Maʿmūn …left one of the worst possible reputations in the whole history of Islam. This arose from the fact that he had books on philosophy translated into Arabic, to such a pitch that heretics and deviationists used them to pervert Islam and to trick the Muslims…He removed from the pay-registers the Arabs, the Messenger of God’s people, the race through whose agency God had established the religion of Islam…In their place, he relied on the Turks. He abandoned Arab dress and clothing, put a crown on his head and wore the dress of the Persians, that race which God had sent his prophet Muhammad to slay and to combat. With al-Muʿtaṣim, and through his deliberate agency, the rule of the Arabs came to an end; henceforth, during his reign and under his political regime, the Turks, upon whom the Messenger of God vowed to make war, assumed power. After him, they (viz. the Turks) secured an ascendency in all the lands. God gave the Turks dominion over al-Muʿtaṣim’s son, Jaʿfar al-Mutawakkil, so that they eventually murdered him. They also murdered al-Muʿtaṣim’s grandson, Aḥmad al-Mustaʿīn. They treated the religion of God as a plaything and established a reign of terror throughout all the provinces of the caliphate.”

Slave girls were favored as concubines, and certain of the wives of ʿAbbasid caliphs who gave birth to princes and future caliphs, being of the status of omm walad, are mentioned as being Iranian, e.g., Marājel, the concubine of Hārūn-al-Rašīd, said to be from Bāḏḡīs in northwestern Afghanistan, and the mother of the future caliph al-Maʾmūn, born in 170/787, and also Māreda, born in Kūfa but of Sogdian stock, slave of Hārūn al-Rašīd, who bore him the future caliph al-Moʿtaṣem, born in 179/795 or 180/796.

Girl from Rasht, Gilan province, Iran (formerly Persia)
Girl from Rasht, Gilan province, Iran (formerly Persia)
Uyghur child (Turkic ethnic group in Central Asia)
Uyghur child (Turkic ethnic group in Central Asia)

3.  The changes the last two brought are minor in comparison to the next one.  And this one’s going to be a huge shocker, because it’s a bit of covered-up history:  

There was a massive white slave trade between Europe, Central Asia and the Middle that lasted over 1,000 years. This brought an enormous number of white Western and Eastern Europeans into the Middle East.

(The focus on African slaves in Arabia only came after access to white slave trade routes was lost.)

“In the Viking era starting c. 793, the Norse raiders often captured and enslaved militarily weaker peoples they encountered.  In the Nordic countries the slaves were called thralls (Old Norse: þræll)  The thralls were mostly from Western Europe [i.e. Far West Asia], among them many Franks, Anglo-Saxons and Celts…  There is evidence of German, Baltic, Slavic and Latin slaves as well.  The slave trade was one of the pillars of Norse commerce during the 6th through 11th centuries.”

serfs “Slavery during the Early Middle Ages had several distinct sources. The Vikings raided across Europe, though their slave raids were the most destructive in the British Isles and Eastern Europe.  While the Vikings kept some slaves for themselves as servants, known as thralls, most people captured by the Vikings would be sold on the Byzantine or Islamic markets.  In the West the targets of Viking slavery were primarily English, Irish, and Scottish, while in the East they were mainly Slavs.  The Viking slave trade slowly ended in the 1000s…”

“The Middle Ages form 1100 to 1500 saw a continuation of the European Slave trade, though with a shift form the Western Mediterranean Islamic nations (Andalusian Spain, modern day Morocco) to the Eastern, as Venice and Genoa, in firm control of the Eastern Mediterranean from the 12th century and the Black Sea from the 13th century sold both Slavic and Baltic slaves, as well as Georgians, Turks and other ethnic groups of the Black Sea and Caucasus, to the Muslim nations of the Middle East.  The sale of European slaves by Europeans slowly ended as the Slavic and Baltic ethnic groups Christianized by the Late Middle Ages.  European slaves in the Islamic World would, however, continue into the Modern time period as Muslim pirates, primarily Algerians, with the support of the Ottoman Empire, raided European coasts and shipping form the 16th to the 19th centuries…” white slave

“Genoese merchants organized the slave trade from the Crimea to Mamluk Egypt.”

“For a long time [from declaring independence in1441] until the early 18th century, the [Crimean] khanate maintained a massive slave trade with the Ottoman Empire and the Middle East.  In a process called the “harvesting of the steppe”, they enslaved many Slavic peasants.”

“The Byzantine-Ottoman wars [in or near modern Turkey] and the Ottoman wars in Europe brought large numbers of Christian slaves into the Islamic world too.”

Asaolu, Richard Oluseyi.  Slavery.  PediaPress.  pp 4-7.,+Richard+Oluseyi+slavery&source=gbs_navlinks_s white slavery 07

In early Islamic times, parts of [Arab-ruled] Iran itself remained unislamized, and these infidel regions could be raided for slaves. This was the case with Daylam in northwestern Iran up to the time of the appearance there of the ʿAlid dāʿī Ḥasan b. Zayd b. Moḥammad (second half of the 3rd/9th century); while slaves were captured from the mountainous region of Ḡūr in central Afghanistan, a pagan enclave there till the early Ghaznavid period.

Slaves came into the Iranian world as captives of war from the Arab campaigns in the Caucasus against the Ḵazars and from the campaigns in central Asia against the local Iranian peoples and the Turks of the steppes beyond, from the end of the lst/7th century onward. Thus Naršaḵī  mentions how in 87/706 the Arab governor Qotayba b. Moslem slew all the males in the town of Baykand in Sogdia and enslaved all the women and children.

From early in the Abbasid period the caliphs instituted a tradition of forming army contingents composed of slaves, mostly taken as captives in the course of frontier wars and raids into Central Asia, the Caucasus, and India, among other regions. There were also slave markets where young male slaves, along with female ones, captured as booty or procured by other means, were sold. The preferred slaves were Turkic ones, admired for their handsome features, their valor, and their martial gifts. The Samanids, who originated from Sogdiana and were neighbors to the Turkic khanates of Central Asia, adopted the practice of enlisting slaves in their army—a practice which continued under the succeeding dynasties, chiefly the Ghaznavids, the Seljuks, and theKʷārazmšāhs.


[Note:  The Abbasids ruled Arabia, Iraq, the Levant (Sham) and North Africa for 500 years, from 750 to 1258.  The Seljuks ruled Oman, and parts Iraq and the Levant from 1037-1194.]

The love poetry of these periods is generally addressed to such adolescent soldiers or pages.  That these Turks were ‘white’ or pale-skinned is made clear in these poems:

  • They are of musky facial hair, sweet of speech, with perfumed tresses / Silver-bodied, gold-girded, and narrow-waisted( Kāfi Ẓafar of Hamadān, cited by ʿAwfi in his Lobāb al-albāb (pp. 210-13))
  • I love silver-bodied, ruby-lipped children. / Wherever you see one of them, call me there (Farroḵi, Divān, p. 5).
  • O beautifully clad child, silver-bodied and ruby-lipped, / the substance of charm and gaiety, envious houries in pain from you! (Anvari, apud Šamisā, p. 80).
  • Attar (ʿAṭṭār [d. 1221] uses in his ghazals, which vibrate with profound and passionate, amorous feelings, the imagery developed by earlier poets: he sings of the beloved’s moon-like face, ruby lips, narrow, hair-like waist, cypress-like figure, the lasso of the beloved’s tresses, the chain of his curls…
Kipchak Turk
Kipchak Turk

Of course there were slaves of other origins as well, e.g., Indian and Slav (generally termed bolḡār “Bulgarian,” known for their fair skin).

There were many other dynasties of Turkic or Persian origin that ruled over what is now considered the Arab world.  Here are a few examples:

  • The Fatimids (909-1171, Arabian Peninsula, Levant, North Africa, Sudan) imported Turkic and Armenian soldiers into their armies. (
  • The Seljuk Turks ruled parts of Iraq and the Levant from 1037-1194.  The settlement of Turkic tribes in the northwestern peripheral parts of the empire, for the strategic military purpose of fending off invasions from neighboring states, led to the progressive Turkicization of those areas.
Mamluk Soldier
Mamluk Soldier
  • The Oghuz Turkic Zangids ruled the Levant from 1127-1250.
  • The Kurdish Ayyubids ruled the Arabian Peninsula and North Africa from 1171-1341.
  • The Mamluk Sultanate ruled the western Arabian Peninsula, Egypt and Libya from 1250-1517.  The sultanate’s ruling caste was composed of Mamluks- soldiers of predominantly Kipchak Turk, Cumans, Circassian, and Georgian slave origin.  By the late fourteenth century, Circassians from the North Caucasus region had become the majority in the Mamluk ranks.
Circassians (still prominent in the Levant)
Circassians (still prominent in the Levant)

On top of being “white”, all of these dynasties, and the many others not mentioned here, were involved in trading and capturing white slaves, in addition to settlement of peoples of their respective ethnicities.  Who can doubt the enormous changes this would have brought to the phenotype and color of these Arab lands?  And as all of these people would be in some degree Arabized (particularly in language) they are now known as Arabs.

Thus it seems that the Black & White Sheep” Prophecy would indeed come to pass, and that it was a reference to skin color and phenotype.    

The view of the ancient Arabs holds true today:  visible European features or ancestry is a sign of foreign, slave ancestry.

This shouldn’t be a problem.  African-Americans, Afro-Caribbeans and Afro-Latinos openly acknowledge slave ancestry as an explanation of their presence in the Americas, and they are expected to.  Why shouldn’t white and light-skinned Arabs feel comfortable doing the same?  Why shouldn’t they be expected to?  Why not anybody?  

It’s not as if slavery is the only way that white and light-skinned Arabs came to occupy Arabia, just as slavery not the only way that Africans came to be in America.  And whites were not the only slaves in Arabia, just as Africans weren’t the only slaves in America.

White people everywhere, including in Arabia and the Middle East, need to acknowledge that slavery is part of their history.  They need to because it’s true. 

After all, as the famous philosopher Plato reportedly said

“Every king springs from a race of slaves, and every slave had kings among his ancestors.”

black sheep. n. a member of a family or group who is regarded as a disgrace to it.
black sheep.  n.  1. a member of a family or group who is regarded as a disgrace to it.  2. The odd one out.

Arya Dharma (The Noble Way) a/k/a Buddhism: An Afro-Islamic Inspiration? (6 of 6)

arya dharma 02

The statues of ancient Buddhas of the East depicted him as having woolly hair- always shown in cornrows, or “peppercorn” texture of small tight curls. These statues also clearly show him to have had Africoid facial features- full nose and lips. In most ancient temples throughout Asia, he is shown as jet Black. In fact, in many ancient temples of Asia and India, statues of the gods and goddesses have Africoid features with woolly hair in the peppercorn style, while some even have dreadlocks. These pictures of Buddha portray him in no uncertain terms as a Negro with kinky, coiled hair, a flat nose and full lips.


The mid-twentieth century scholar, Hamid Abdul Qadir postulates that the Prophet Dhu’l-Kifl, meaning “the one from Kifl,” mentioned twice in the Quran  as patient and good, refers to Shakyamuni Buddha. Qadir explains that “Kifl” is the Arabicized form of Kapila, short for Kapilavastu. It should be remembered that the consonant ‘p’ is not present in Arabic, and the nearest one to it is ‘fa’. Hence, Kapeel transliterated into Arabic becomes Kifl.

He also proposes that the Qur’anic mention of the fig tree (At-Tin 1-5) refers to Buddha as well, since he attained to enlightenment at the foot of one.

Read more at “The Buddha:  An Islamic Prophet?

Arya Dharma (The Noble Way) a/k/a Buddhism: An Afro-Islamic Inspiration? (5 of 6)

arya dharma 03

The statues of ancient Buddhas of the East depicted him as having woolly hair- always shown in cornrows, or “peppercorn” texture of small tight curls. These statues also clearly show him to have had Africoid facial features- full nose and lips. In most ancient temples throughout Asia, he is shown as jet Black. In fact, in many ancient temples of Asia and India, statues of the gods and goddesses have Africoid features with woolly hair in the peppercorn style, while some even have dreadlocks. These pictures of Buddha portray him in no uncertain terms as a Negro with kinky, coiled hair, a flat nose and full lips.


The mid-twentieth century scholar, Hamid Abdul Qadir postulates that the Prophet Dhu’l-Kifl, meaning “the one from Kifl,” mentioned twice in the Quran  as patient and good, refers to Shakyamuni Buddha. Qadir explains that “Kifl” is the Arabicized form of Kapila, short for Kapilavastu. It should be remembered that the consonant ‘p’ is not present in Arabic, and the nearest one to it is ‘fa’. Hence, Kapeel transliterated into Arabic becomes Kifl.

He also proposes that the Qur’anic mention of the fig tree (At-Tin 1-5) refers to Buddha as well, since he attained to enlightenment at the foot of one.

Read more at “The Buddha:  An Islamic Prophet?

Arya Dharma (The Noble Way) a/k/a Buddhism: An Afro-Islamic Inspiration? (4 of 6)

arya dharma 04

The statues of ancient Buddhas of the East depicted him as having woolly hair- always shown in cornrows, or “peppercorn” texture of small tight curls. These statues also clearly show him to have had Africoid facial features- full nose and lips. In most ancient temples throughout Asia, he is shown as jet Black. In fact, in many ancient temples of Asia and India, statues of the gods and goddesses have Africoid features with woolly hair in the peppercorn style, while some even have dreadlocks. These pictures of Buddha portray him in no uncertain terms as a Negro with kinky, coiled hair, a flat nose and full lips.


The mid-twentieth century scholar, Hamid Abdul Qadir postulates that the Prophet Dhu’l-Kifl, meaning “the one from Kifl,” mentioned twice in the Quran  as patient and good, refers to Shakyamuni Buddha. Qadir explains that “Kifl” is the Arabicized form of Kapila, short for Kapilavastu. It should be remembered that the consonant ‘p’ is not present in Arabic, and the nearest one to it is ‘fa’. Hence, Kapeel transliterated into Arabic becomes Kifl.

He also proposes that the Qur’anic mention of the fig tree (At-Tin 1-5) refers to Buddha as well, since he attained to enlightenment at the foot of one.

Read more at “The Buddha:  An Islamic Prophet?